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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Urgent Call Alert for Carrington Keys of Dallas Six #ThereIsSomethingWeCanDo

I will be at the state capital on Monday with the Moral Monday protest.  I will be available for phone calls and to answer emails up to 11am.  While there I will be presenting a  letter to the Governor about this urgent call alert and the Dallas 6 case.  Please read below the details of the Call Alert and please share far and wide.  Thank You for your continued support!  ~Shandre 412-403-6101

Throughout the six years of the Dallas 6 case, Carrington has been retaliated against at SCI Retreat during transport to Luzerne County Prison for court.  Currently, instead of being sent back to his home prison he is inside of a psychiatric unit in a suicide watch cell.  No one will tell him why and he has received no paperwork in explanation.  He is being restricted from calls but used his court order for legal calls to call and notify me of what's happening.  He has been told that he must see a Program Review Committee before he is released from the psyche unit.  This should not be the case as this is not his home jail and he is merely being transported.  

Carrington has a long history with SCI Retreat Superintendent Vincent Mooney who tortured him during the 10 years he was in solitary at SCI Mahanoy and SCI Dallas. This is clearly retaliation as carrington has an active legal judgement against SCI Retreat staff; Superintendent Vincent Mooney and Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services, Kathy Brittain.  They may also be using this time to remove or copy legal documents that may be harmful to them in court.  There are grievances and complaints to confirm the history of this relationship.  Other incidents that occurred while at Retreat
  • being thrown into solitary when he is in general population
  • legal property “lost” or  “missing”, damaged, torn, stomped on
  • attacked within minutes of getting off bus and thrown into solitary
  • denied clean clothing and access to shower, shaving for entire week of court
  • personal property “lost” every time
The Secretary of Prisons office and the judge on the case has been alerted numerous times on this issue and have done nothing to remedy it.  Therefore I am asking the public to make calls.

Secretary John Wetzel
Governor Wolf

When calling let them know organization and/or city, state you are calling from so they know this is being reported far and wide.  When you complete the call add your name and a brief report here: http://tinyurl.com/alert-reportback

Talking Points
  • Calling Regarding Carrington Keys EF4010
  • He has been there a week with no explanation as to why he is still there in a psych unit
  • Retaliation has occurred and has been well documented by grievance, complaints and lawsuits
  • Has active lawsuits against SCI Retreat staff Superintendent Mooney, Deputy Superintendent Brittain
  • Major reason he should not be there is they have access to his legal materials in a case in which they are involved
  • Carrington is only there to be transferred to/from court
  • The superintendent's office has been notified but have taken no steps to protect Mr. Keys

  • Send him back to SCI Forest immediately
  • Separate him from SCI Retreat and Do not send him back to SCI Retreat
  • No further retaliation in any way

Background of Dallas 6 Case
The Dallas 6 case began in April 2010.  Long before 2010, there is a history of abuse within the walls of Pennsylvania  prisons that has been documented by Human Rights Coalition.  Prisoners decided to do something about that and began sharing information with HRC about ongoing abuse and inhumane conditions at SCI Dallas.  That information was compiled into a report which a copy of was intercepted by prison staff at SCI Dallas who immediately began a brutal beating rampage against prisoners at SCI Dallas.  Prisoners held a peaceful protest by covering their cell windows.  They were cell extracted and brutally beaten.  After the brutal beating, charges were filed against the DOC and the District Attorney of Luzerne County.  To cover up their crimes and in retaliation, four months later, the DOC charged 6 of the protesters with riot and one of the six, Carrington Keys, with assault.  The case took 6 years to prosecute and the riot charges have been dropped after a hung jury.  The jury could not unanimously find the men guilty of riot or Carrington Keys guilty of assault.  The court has now re-filed assault charges against Carrington Keys and pre-trial hearing will be held on December 5, 2016.  Carrington Keys was, and still is a target due to compiling a long history of grievances, complaints and lawsuits against DOC staff who are complicit in human rights violations and brutal assaults against prisoner..   It is believed Mr. Keys is being retried on the assault charges because of the active lawsuits against several of the officers involved in Dallas 6 as well as the District Attorney.  For more information and to learn how you can help - http://scidallas6.blogspot.com/

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