#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive

Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge: I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet: I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching. I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation. I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved. I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad. I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction. teamrhino.org

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Pennsylvania Courts #Recalls #MeritSelection #JusticeHelpline #JusticeTransformation

The judicial branch of our government is coming more and more into the conversations focused on #JusticeReform. In Philadelphia i advocate with families who have been subjected to closed courtrooms abuse and recently was able to have Judge Lyris Younge removed from Philadelphia family court due to her abuse of power. Unfortunately Judge Younge is back to her unethical practices, now in common pleas court until the judicial review of her unethical conduct in family court is heard by the Pennsylvania Judicial Review Board. I'm really not feeling the fact that she is still on any judicial bench in Pennsylvania. There is an immediate need to remove judges like Younge before the next election cycle. 

Professor of Law, Michelle Dauber spoke at a Philadelphia NOW event on #EndingRapeCulture in our society. Professor Dauber teaches at Stanford University where elite mentality ruled until #JudgePozzo gave rapist #BrockTurner a six months sentence instead of two years. That under verdict was the spark that set Prof. Dauber on fire. She said "That was not acceptable" and helped organize other women who had been through his court and dismissed. 
Professor Dauber efforts to #EndRapeCulture has not stopped with the recall of Judge Del Pozzo. She started #EnoughIsEnoughVoterProject to bring information to voters about candidates running for office.

The organization, dubbed the Enough is Enough Voter Project, says on its website that it aims to "hold politicians accountable and ensure violence against women is part of the national conversation this November and in future elections." In a video promoting the project, Dauber said, "Aaron Persky isn't the only elected official who doesn't take violence against women seriously." She continued:

He's one of many. It's time for that to change. Enough is enough. We're mobilizing women and our allies all across the United States to investigate and to defeat candidates who have turned against women on issues of sexual harassment and violence against women... These people have no place in public life. We're saying enough is enough by standing up to bullies at the ballot box. We will vote them out. https://www.bustle.com/p/the-enough-is-enough-voter-project-is-targeting-politicians-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-misogyny-12115161 

We are looking for ways to hold these judges accountable and transparent. Recall of  a judge is rare but we now know that the recall is possible. #PennsylvaniansForModernCourts has also been working on court reform and would like to see #MeritSelection replace the current elections of judges. They partner with organizations and communities to raise awareness about the court systems in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvanians For Modern Courts will be hosting a Know Your Courts Workshop, October 23rd 6pm at the Lucien Blackwell Library.

Blackwell Regional Library Adult/ Teen Department

125 S 52nd St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19139

PMC Listens™ Helpline, reachable at (484) 463-7689 is a dedicated voice mail box, where callers can request information about court processes and procedures as well as report any barriers they may feel are impeding their participation.  A guaranteed response will be delivered within 24 hours, providing personalized assistance by a team of trained volunteer law students, lawyers, and other interested community members. These volunteers will not provide legal advice and will refer callers to other resources, when necessary.

PMC Watches™

PMC Watches™ Citizen Court Monitoring is a community-oriented expansion of PMC’s traditional “court watchdog” role. PMC is enlisting a team of Citizen Court Monitors to observe, record and offer recommendations on court proceedings. Not only will this serve as a means of data collection and an opportunity for Philadelphia residents to gather firsthand insights into the formal and informal structures of justice in Philadelphia, it will further ensure a robustly accountable court system. 

PMC Watches includes a watchdog program focused on civil courtrooms particularly Landlord-Tenant Court. There were 10,264 evictions in Philadelphia in 2016, amounting to 28.12 households evicted every day. These proceedings are of monumental importance to the people involved, whose homes are at stake, and through PMC Watches we are able to provide community members with the opportunity to learn firsthand about these proceedings, as well as to ensure a robustly accountable court system through their very presence in the courtroom.

Further, we are proud to announce the Philadelphia Bail Watch, a PMC Watches program developed in partnership with the Philadelphia Bail Fund that will  shine a light on the current preliminary arraignment process, where money bail decisions are made and, ultimately, people’s access to freedom pretrial is determined. Did you know that defendants in Philadelphia do not get to meet with an attorney before their bail hearings (preliminary arraignments)? Or that bail hearings often last 90 seconds or less?
Philadelphia Bail Watch has three main goals:

  1. Invite the public and interested stakeholders to watch Philadelphia’s preliminary arraignment hearing    process and learn about its implications for bail policy and pretrial detention;
  2. Monitor the current preliminary arraignment process and impact of the District Attorney’s recent bail reform efforts; and
  3. Collect and share people’s perceptions of Philadelphia’s preliminary arraignment process in order to use this information to advocate for improvements.

Through Philadelphia Bail Watch, court watch volunteers will gather data and share their impressions of bail hearings. The Philadelphia Bail Fund and Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts will then compile the information collected to issue a report to Judge Marsha H. Neifield, President Judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court, and her colleagues on our collective findings. A findings report will be released in the summer of 2018.
All are welcome to participate in this program; no prior experience is necessary.
For information on the programs or to volunteer, please email PMC's Program Director, Thomas Pietryla, at tpietryla@pmconline.org.


Friday, October 12, 2018

#DrumLikeALady 5th Anniversary Celebration At Barnes Foundation

October 7, 2018 women from various cultures joined together at The Barnes Foundation for PECO's free family fun, to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Drum Like A Lady founded by LaTreice V Branson. My grandchildren and i really enjoyed the family focused day centered around percussions and crafts. My grandson wanted to build and i wanted to expose him and my granddaughter to the drums played by women. We didn't make to any drum workshops because he was immersed with building his cardboard house, thanks to the assistants of Ms. Yani.

 Women from various cultures came together to celebrate and showcase  their talents on various drums, dance and song. We had the pleasure of
 being part of each others world with #BatalaPhilly giving a great performance that opened the day of celebration. So much wonderful energy was felt through the women beating those drums. Batala Philly opened up their drum line and allowed the crowd to join in the recital. The interaction allowed us the crowd to share our energy with the drummers who #TurnedUp and with each other!! Great experience during a time when we women are finding ways to connect with and protect one another. #MusicIsAPowerfulExpressionThat Unites

Ladies First Showcase: An evening of music featuring all female driven acts: A Benefit for Unite for Her at World Cafe Live Philadelphia - Upstairs. Presented by: Drum Like A Lady

Danielle and Jennifer www.danielleandjennifer.com
Paulette Branson & Mixed People ww.mixedpeopleband.com 
Gemtarra www.gemtarra.com 
Roxy Rollz www.roxyrollz.com 
Sylvia Platypus www.sylviaplatypus.com

When Unite for HER founder Sue Weldon was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, she began searching for information on therapies that would complement the medical treatments she was receiving. What she discovered was a lack of easily accessible resources on topics like nutrition, acupuncture, massage, yoga, counseling and other ways for breast cancer patients to enhance their wellness and care for their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.

Since its establishment as a nonprofit organization in 2009, Unite for HER’s cornerstone has been to bridge that gap for breast cancer patients, focusing on wellness initiatives that will positively impact their health, as well as the health of all women and girls.

Drum Like a Lady is a community cooperative, led by LaTreice V Branson, whose mission is to provide a safe space for women of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and lifestyles to express their uniqueness through collective drumming, dance, music education, and health advocacy. 

#drumlikealady #ladiesfirst #uniteforher

Saturday, October 6, 2018

October 9th Last Day To Register To Vote And We Need All Votes On Deck!!

Please allow me to explain how and why your vote counts in every election!! We are talking numbers in the masses or lack of mass numbers at the election polls and what those numbers say to elected officials. So many of us who advocate for change in how we conduct elections was really looking for a shift in voters from politics as usual to accountable and transparent politics. So many are fed up with both parties and many third parties was looking for the voters to look at the third parties platform. Problem is many voters platforms are emotional and informed by mainstream media, whose political platform is Democrat/Republican.

I express these facts because the 2016 presidential election number of write in's dramatically went up due to the fact that voters were not happy with either of the major parties candidates and choose to show their dissatisfaction by writing in another person whom they felt would best serve the people of our country. On facebook there was a huge debate as if these votes were wasted votes. No i don't see them as wasted votes, i see them as voices of people fed up with politics as usual and letting the powers that be know how fed up they are. 2016 is the year of the protest vote and guess what? The major parties witnessed a shift in votes to independent and write in and heard our protest votes loud and clear!!

My seven year old grandson and i was talking to people about registering to vote. He lets them know that their vote can keep guns out of his school. A potential voter wanted to debate with us about keeping the guns out of the schools. The potential voter told my grandson teachers should have guns to protect him if someone comes in there shooting up the school. The potential voter would not look at me, but i was firm in standing against guns in the hands of teachers who are barely trained to educate our populations. Then another voter who my grandson and i had spoke to earlier chimed in with not wanting guns in our schools. I suggested to keep our schools safe learning facilities that metal detectors should be installed and not guns. The other voter asked the potential voter when have they heard of a mass shooting in urban schools? The potential voter couldn't answer that question. The voter went on to mention that these rural areas hunt for hobby and a way to feed their families. Guns are a part of their everyday life and that is why it's so hard for them to incorporate metal detectors. The potential voter kept looking at my grandson saying you have the right to protect yourself then the bus came and the potential voter boarded the bus with our thoughts in mind. How and if this person will vote in November is a mystery, but we sparked an important lifestyle conversation and touched on the emotions of the voters right to protect them self and hopefully built understanding for metal detectors in learning facilities. #BooksNotGuns

These conversations can be challenging, what's important is to prepare for the push back with understanding for people's lack of trust in our elections. #JustAct is an arts-based catalyst activating social change and healing in individuals, organizations and communities to build a just world. LisaJo the founder of Just Act can help you host these challenging conversations in your communities. She has been working with youth groups to help the youth understand the importance of civic engagement. The youth after creating their Just Act interactive play said that they are more likely to vote in every election because of the exposure to their concerns in a fun meaningful experience.

LisaJo Founder of Just Act at E3 Youth Empowerment Center

Your vote is your power to let the powers that be know that you are holding them accountable. They need your vote to collect a pay check and that is powerful!! Please plan to go to the polls with family and friends. If you can research who you want to vote for.  You can visit Cast your vote and let your voice be heard in every election!!

Committee of Seventy Posted:


Voters need to know their rights as they head to the polls. Seventy's pocket-sized cards will clearly state this info and will be translated into ChineseKhmerKorean,Spanish and Vietnamese. We're crowdfunding the design and printing costs and will be working with APABA-PACeiba, the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and SEAMAAC to get them in the hands of thousands of voters across Philadelphia.
Help us remove one more barrier to voting in this important election! Donate via GoFundMe.
  • everyonevotespa


Have a question about voter registration? Voter ID? Finding your polling place? Visit Everyone.VotesPA.com for online and printable resource to get ready for Election Day.

For questions about Seventy's Voter Guide, please contact bettergov@seventy.org

How easy is it to vote in...

This nifty Washington Post digital tool shows at a glance each state's laws regarding registration deadlines, voter ID, average wait times at the polls, and early and mail-in voting. PA's aren't among the most voter-friendly, and our registration deadline, for example, is 30 days before Election Day. That's next Tuesday (Oct. 9), so check your registration, and nudge your friends, relatives and co-workers. 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

The African American HomeSchooling Movement Has Started And Will Be Talking Racial Equity In Homeschooling October 15th!!

With the closing of neighborhood schools comes the wave of change for educating our children. Families have options that allow the family to personalize what and how they want their students to learn. Stigmas in the African and Latino American communities is what hinders homeschooling in our cultures. We have become so dependent on a system that we don't understand our rights or wants. So many want freedom to be, but don't know how to act on that want. Thankfully we have Maleka Diggs founder of Eclectic Learning Network, to consult with when considering homeschooling our students. Maleka has several events coming up that you can attend and learn more about homeschooling!! Please plan to attend and learn what you and your family can do!!

Tea Hours are gatherings for people to meet and talk that are on similar paths, vocations, interests.
Franny Lou's provides a pot of tea, there is a featured speaker, and we can engage in our community.
This month we are focusing on Homeschooling Parents! We will be featuring Maleka Diggs; a homeschool momma and the founder ofEclectic Learning Network.



Franny Lou's Porch
2400 Coral Street
Philadelphia, PA 19125

For sponsorship inquiries, email maleka@eclecticlearningnetwork.com

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Why Is Philadelphia Implementing Racist Policy This Fall?

Fall 2018 the city of Philadelphia will implement more racist practice with an algorithm based risk assessment. A National campaign lead by Just Leadership USA has joined Philadelphians in advocating for justice transformation versus the mentality of justice reform!!

From Ruben Jones #CloseTheCreek Coordinator:

Because of mass incarceration, Philadelphia is home to five county jails, and one of our priorities is to close as many of them as possible.  Our first partial victory came swiftly.  In November 2017 we launched the #CLOSEtheCreek Campaign targeting the House of Correction.  Known locally as “the Creek,” the building dates from 1874 and is a human rights disaster.   In April, Mayor Jim Kenny announced that the jail would be closed by 2020, and by June, it was completely empty.  But we’re not done with the Creek yet because the Mayor says he wants to continue maintaining it, at a cost of $700,000 per year, in case the jail population balloons at some point in the future.  We’re calling for the building’s demolition.  We should be building community, not throwing money at a landmark of oppression.

To create a new normal we have to push our elected leaders to think about change in broad strokes.  It will take bold leadership to turn Philadelphia from the most incarcerated large city in America to the “cradle of liberty” it’s supposed to be.  Two issues that I am laser focused on right now are the use of risk assessment tools and electronic monitoring.  The State Sentencing Commission is considering the use of risk assessment algorithms at the sentencing phase, and we are vigorously opposing their adoption.  The data points these tools use to calculate “risk” are racially biased—for example, whether or not you finished high school, if your father was formerly incarcerated, if there’s any kind of mental health concern in your family.   Their adoption would have a devastating impact on people of color in poor communities who come into contact with the criminal justice system.  The Sentencing Commission held public hearings in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, and we flooded the hearings with concerned citizens, lawyers, community activists, people with lived experience and business people.  We demanded that the Commission not implement such a Draconian measure.  Because of our opposition, the vote was postponed.  Now we need to get them to take it off the table completely.
The increasing use of GPS ankle bracelets to electronically monitor people on probation is a growing threat to individual privacy and it’s also intrusive for communities that are directly impacted.  The case of rapper Meek Mills put a spotlight on this issue.  When he was released from jail for an alleged probation violation, he was released to ankle monitoring.  We celebrated because at least he was out of jail.  But there are a thousand Meek Mills in jail across the city, and 60 percent of them are there as a result of violating probation, not because of a new crime.  If you have hundreds of people in a specific neighborhood who are monitored electronically, that means the community as a whole is under surveillance.  We are pushing back against the expansion of this technological “fix.” As the era of mass incarceration draws to a close, instead of concrete prisons we are going to end up with electronic prisons, or “E-carceration” if this trend continues. That’s something we draw a hard line on, and the city knows it.

But Philadelphia may have reached a tipping point. The city is in the midst of what could be a pivotal phase of reform, now helmed by newly-minted mayor Jim Kenney. The magazine Philadelphia has called Kenney, “Mr. Criminal Justice Reform,” citing his record as councilman, which included championing the decriminalization of marijuana in Philadelphia, which he called a civil-rights issue, and campaign promises to eliminate cash bail for some low-level defendants and to give convicted felons a second chance. Kenney’s candidacy was compared to that of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio: Both are white, but ran on a populist platform preaching racial, economic, and criminal justice reform. On his first night as mayor in January, rather than celebrate with an inaugural ball, Kenney took the festivities to the streets with a block party. He aims to be a mayor of the people, addressing issues that have plagued the city for decades, including overcrowded jails and tense relations between police and residents.


If there is truly a nation wide shift in the thinking of policy makers why isn’t that shift being reflected in the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection city council? Clothespin is for hanging the laundry but birds nest on top of ours?? Is the Philadelphia pretzel twist of complexity or connectivity? So many visit the cracked cooper, tin, lead, zinc, arsenic, gold and silver liberty bell while walkin on the lessons of human rights. Soo many enjoying the freedoms while soo many more are wanting a way out of the tangled webs of delusional race mentality.

Here are 5 interpretations of the Eagle. Benjamin Franklin hated the bald eagle as a symbol for our country because he see's the bird as a lazy theft (who stole this country). You can see the full display at #RareBooksDepartment, Philadelphia Free Library 1901 Vine St.
til September 15th. There is a free tour 11am everyday except Sunday, where you can see Edgar Allan Poe Raven aka Grip!!

is a brewery town
for the free!!
Can you see
The difference
In Mentality??????????

Sunday, August 5, 2018

President Donald Trump Flip Flops On His Team and Twitter Catches All!!

Politics in The United States of America has really gone a bit off the chain. What does these times mean for our future as a country and as global citizens? How did we get here is not as much a factor to how do we get on a path that works for all people in our country and world wide? I thought political science and civic law was a characteristic sought in candidates looking to lead a country. None of those qualities are in our current Commander in Chief who is going wild turning on his staff and has fired four of his appointees. While Thirty Three from his administration have resigned. He has been accused of unethical behavior and is now defending his son Donald Jr. for meeting with Russia to spread fake news about Hillary Clinton. Yet Facebook had to answer to Congress about the fake ads and lost billions.

The announcement that Facebook would share the ads with the Senate and House intelligence committees came after the social network spent two weeks on the defensive. The company faced calls for greater transparency about 470 Russia-linked accounts — in which fictional people posed as American activists — which were taken down after they had promoted inflammatory messages on divisive issues. Facebook had previously angered congressional staff by showing only a sample of the ads, some of which attacked Hillary Clinton or praised Donald J. Trump.
Facebook’s admission on Sept. 6 that Russian agents covertly bought ads on the site during last year’s campaign has brought intense scrutiny on the social network and on Twitter, entangling both companies in the investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel. Both companies have turned over detailed data to Mr. Mueller.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Thomas Homan announced that the Trump administration would adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward anyone caught crossing into the US by Border Patrol. All border crossers would be referred to the Department of Justice, and everyone referred would be prosecuted for the misdemeanor of illegal entry. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/5/8/17327512/sessions-illegal-immigration-border-asylum-families



Today President Trump is turning on Jeff Sessions by hinting that he wants Mr. Session to stop investigating the Russian scandal.

Watching CBS one sunday morning i learned about "Facts and Fears by James Clapper who called trump and tried to appeal to his mentality. From that call and other attempts came his book about what he see in our current Commander In Chief. 

Appealing to our president seems to be an unreachable goal unless you are in the same delusional state as he. He recently had a meeting with mega church clergy who said that Donald Trump may be the most pro black president ever, SAY WHAT?????????????

Finishing her list, Ms. Sanders referred to Ms. Barr’s remarks. “This is a double standard that the president is speaking about,” Ms. Sanders said. “No one is defending her comments.”
But neither she nor Mr. Trump condemned them either. “They’re inappropriate, but that’s not the point he was making,” Ms. Sanders added.
Just a day earlier, the drama over Ms. Barr’s tweet had seemed to be below the president’s radar. Speaking to reporters on Air Force One before Mr. Trump appeared at a rally in Nashville, Ms. Sanders suggested that the president had better things to do than follow a Twitter outcry.
“That’s not what the president is looking at,” Ms. Sanders said. “That’s not what he’s spending his time on.”
Guess he got some Ambien from Barr Roseanne Barr blames Ambien for tweet, drug maker says 'racism is not a known side effect'
???????? http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-roseanne-barr-racist-tweet-20180530-story.html

Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made by Roseanne Barr. Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get the call?