#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive

Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge: I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet: I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching. I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation. I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved. I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad. I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction. teamrhino.org

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

#SayHerName: A Vigil in Rememberance of Black Women, Trans and Cis Women, & Children Lives

i learned on facebook about  #sayhername: a vigil in remembrance of black women, trans and cis women and children lives hosted by evolution mines-simmons. on thursday, may 21, 2015 i attended the vigil where we sidewalk chalked  names of women, trans and youth who were murdered domestically and by the hands of the law. there was not enough sidewalk to chalk all the names.
i chalked melanie colon, the women murdered by the Grim Sleeper in south l.a. and a list of names given to me. than i began to cry as we chanted "their lives matter" and i seen us filling the sidewalk with names of women, youth and trans who have been labeled not human and most of their deaths go unsolved. the presence of the police also rattled us, we don't trust the police but they allowed us to have our vigil.
some of the women murdered by the Grim Sleeper in south l.a. 

we heard speak outs from members of the community. i have a challenging time when speaking on this topic. i'm disgusted at how our lives is disregarded by some of our loved ones as well as by the law. #sayhername was a great opportunity to raise awareness about the attacks on women, their youth,  trans and cis communities. i have a real problem with all violence against us because we are who we are. my lack of trust in the police departments of the untied states deepens when i learn of the abuse of power.
 “It was a clean crime scene.”

Ralphiee Colon, 20, is going over the details of how his sister’s life was snatched one evening in 2012, and the web of secrets that he is convinced links her to a disgraced Philadelphia Police Dept. homicide detective named Ronald Dove.

Melanie Zee Colon, a 22-year-old single mother who was known as the “gay Barbie” and “DJ Kiss,” was a fixture in the local LGBT community.

She walked out of her home on the night of May 8, 2012, with a friend, Reynaldo Torres, and drove away in his 1983 Mazda.

Melanie’s decomposing body was found on the 12th of May, the day before Mother’s Day, in Juniata Park. She had been shot six times. Torres’ remains were found a year later.

Both murders remain unsolved.

“I want to know what happened to my sister and why she was killed the way she was killed,” said Ralphiee, who has launched a “Justice for Melanie” social media campaign on Instagram and Facebook to raise awareness about his sister’s murder.

Melanie’s family struggle daily with her loss, as they raise her son, Joshua, now 7, in their Kensington home.

“They executed her for nothing. They killed my sister like they'd kill a dude. That changed me,” said Louie Colon, 23, Melanie’s brother.

“She was a loving, caring, good heart, She'd see a bum and she’d give him change. She always was about her son. She was very beautiful, independent,” he said. “She wasn't ever in that type of life. Why would she die like that?”

Year of sorrows

The first year after Melanie’s death was filled with sorrow as the family’s suspicions focused on Torres, who was still missing. Melanie’s mother, Zoraida Miranda, died from a heart attack just before the one-year anniversary of Melanie’s disappearance.

In November 2013, after local press reports revealed that Dove had helped cover up another murder, committed by his then girlfriend, Torres’ jawbone was reportedly excavated near a rec center ball field.

The Inquirer reported that information found on Dove’s iPad led investigators to the field where the bone was found. Reports citing unidentified sources were never confirmed by law enforcement.

“I feel as though he knew something because he knew where Chino's [Torres] jaw bone was buried,” Ralphiee said. “You’re hiding info, so why wouldn’t we think you know something?”

The D.A.’s office declined to comment on Melanie’s murder, citing grand jury secrecy rules.

Melanie’s stepmother, Marybell Colon, 45, said her contact with homicide detectives on Melanie’s case has been irregular.

According to PPD public information officer Tanya Little, Melanie’s murder is still being investigated.

D.A. Seth Williams wouldn‘t comment on Colon’s murder when he announced the official indictment of Dove Jan. 22 on felony charges of hindering prosecution.

Williams would only say that a grand jury continues to investigate Dove, two-and-a-half years after Melanie’s murder.

Dove’s downfall came, prosecutors say, when his lover, Erica Sanchez, stabbed her ex-boyfriend Cesar Vera to death in September 2013 after an argument, then called Dove for help.

Dove allegedly squirreled her away in an upstate New York hotel, bought her an untraceable cell phone, hid evidence, and lied to other homicide cops while taking a weekend trip with Sanchez to Niagara Falls.

Sanchez eventually turned herself in, and Dove was fired from the police department in November 2013. Within days, police crews were digging near the Mann Rec Center in Kensington and eventually found the jawbone.

Until that grim discovery, Torres was just a missing person, and possibly a suspect in Melanie’s death.

hopefully we will be able to come together and organize around this problem and get more resolve for these women, youth, trans and cis women. better yet let's work on creating a society that doesn't judge us because we are women, because our skin color and hair texture is different, because of our sexual orientation. "what i do is my business, as long as i'm hurting no one but me" billie holiday.

when i got home that evening my mother paid tribute to my grandmother who pasted on may 21st some 50 years ago. i was then given a photo of my great grandmother sallie biddle, her mother was raped by slave master biddle and i feel that four generation ago accepted rape. we must end this mentality.

 the following saturday, i stayed home with my grandsons and watched democracy now on mind t.v. . buffy sainte-marie was on and i felt as if our ancestors were directing me to hear buffy sainte-marie message of us peacefully coming together. my documentary focus on human rights and that is the platform in which i will pursue in bringing us together. #sayhername turned out to be a refreshing day and evening, there was rain when we started the vigil. by time the sun went down and the moon came out, the wet pavements made the names shine as if we gave meaning and life to our falling sisters and brothers!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Dismantling of Public Education

monday may 19, 2015 i attended a collaboration of educators hosted by caucus of working educators at central high school. http://www.workingeducators.org/ great day filled with free professional development workshops and workshops on the teachers role in advocacy. heartbreaking learning how public education is being dismantled piece by piece during the #optout workshop.

teachers are under attack and the school district of philadelphia have become brute when teachers advocate for the families that they service. parents and teachers are living in fear because of what happened to Hope Moffet in 2011, when she publicly spoke against privatizing the school in which she taught.

District exiles outspoken Audenried teacher

By Benjamin Herold on Feb 17, 2011 11:54 PM

The letter reassigning Audenried teacher Hope Moffett.
For the past week, a group of students, teachers, and community members at Audenried High School have been vocal in their opposition to the District's plans to convert their school into a charter.
Today, say some, the District struck back.
Hope Moffett, a third-year English teacher at Audenried who has been particularly outspoken in her criticism, told the Notebook that she received a letter today from the District informing her that she is "being temporarily assigned to the High School Academic Division (AD-1) located at 3133 Ridge Avenue." 
Philadelphia Federation of Teachers President Jerry Jordan, reached late tonight, confirmed that a second staff member at Audenried was also reassigned today.
The Notebook has obtained a copy of the terse four-sentence letter to Moffett, which is signed by Assistant Superintendent for High Schools Linda Cliatt-Wayman.
It states that Moffett faces further sanction for disclosing the letter's contents.
"You are directed not to discuss this matter. Failure to follow this directive will result in disciplinary action," it reads.
Asked to comment, the District provided a written statement.
"As a standard practice the District does not comment on personnel matters," it said.
"Academic time is intended to be used for just that. ... We believe in creating institutions of greatness.  To do this we believe teachers must be responsible and provide a safe and academically focused environment for all students, especially during classroom time."
Several teachers at the school, all of whom wished to remain anonymous for fear of retribution, spoke highly of Moffett.
"Everything I've ever seen her do has been about and for those kids," said one colleague.
"She is possibly the most passionate teacher I've ever worked with," said another.
Despite the threat of further discipline, Moffett said she feels compelled to speak out.
"I honestly just am tired of the District coming in and trying to intimidate our teachers, principals, and students," she said.
"I knew exactly what I was getting into. I [am speaking to the press] because I think what I did was right."
PFT President Jordan, who was traveling Thursday, said he would be briefed by his staff on the situation Friday."If there was an attempt to intimidate the teacher, we will not tolerate it - absolutely not," he said. "I will be personally involved in this case."
Over the past nine days, Moffett has on several occasions publicly criticized the District's plans for Audenried under the Renaissance Schools initiative.

the dismantling of public education and building slave driven prisons is coming to an end with the national #optout campaigns that allow families to legally not have their youth stressed out about a test looking to test what the student doesn't know versus what the student has learned. public education should be more than teaching to a test that means absolutely nothing to the higher education facilities. teaching to a test created by hedge funded organizations turning public education from a human right to develop productive safe citizens to a privatized industry making trillions of dollars on test made to fail under resourced communities. for more information about testing results please visit: http://www.eseafedreport.com/

alison mcdowell is an educator and parent who is working hard to inform philadelphia families about their human rights to optout of the pennsylvania mandated keystone exam. alison created opt-out-philly@googlegroups.com A group of parents, teachers, students, and community members interested in discussing the effects of high-stakes, standardized testing on public education and exploring alternatives to such tests. Opting out is not a requirement to participate. It's fine to simply have an interest in the topic. amazing information sharing assist in building awareness of what is going on in our schools. 

These brave students are facing serious penalties. Please watch the video, listen to what they have to say, and let us continue to work diligently to remove the Keystones as a graduation requirement. They deserve no less. 


alison also informed us about senate bill 838 a moratorium of keystone exams .
you can learn more about pennsylvania #optout movement here: http://optoutpa.blogspot.com/?m=1

i also met ken derstine creator of defend public education a blog dedicated to inform us about what is going on in public education. http://www.defendpubliceducation.net/ for a weekly digest send email to pa.ed.crisis@gmail.com @publiceddefense fb/defend.public.education 

i met jesse walking man turner on facebook and was able to have him come to philly and be part of a collaboration of educators. before coming to the collaboration jesse spoke on morning feed with ed feldman and jill saul at g-town radio gtownradio.com. you can hear their informative conversation by clicking this link: https://www.mixcloud.com/MorningFeed/morning-feedjessewalking-man-turner-walking-for-justice-not-just-tests/ 



anne tenaglia author of it wasn't in the lesson plan was also there sharing great information!! 



K - 12 America Since 1981

This interactive timeline digs deep into the Education Week archives to tell the story of U.S. education and the changing policies, theories, and perspectives that have
influenced it since 1981, the year the publication began.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

14th Annual East Coast Black Age Of Comic Convention

Exposure is Key!!

 about 1pm on saturday may,16, 2015 my family and i entered the enterprise business center 4548 market street in west philadelphia, pennsylvania to attend the 14th annual east coast age of black comic convention. the the 14th annual east coast age of black comic convention was a great experience exposing my grand babies to the world of graphic arts. over breakfast we discussed attending the comic convention and if they had any ideas about creating their own comic. 

tyhee and teetee both came up with ideas for creating their own comics. during the 14th annual east coast black age comic convention, there was a competition for african american superhero costumes aka africoz contest. teetee got to meet and have a conversation with helvetika bold, a fictional character who developed from citizen advocacy. helvetika bold asked teetee what was her super power, teetee replied she didn't know. helvetika bold spent a few minutes talking with teetee to help her tap into her super power and created a couple of characters. 

shortly after meeting helvetika bold and captain kacela we attended a workshop on how to create your own comics by artist & illustrator meki ra of blue skies media. teetee and tyhee were both interested, asked question and started creating their own comics under the direction of meki ra. meki ra really took my babies to another level with all the information he put into my babies, like:
 æ¼«ç”» Manga means comics in japanese, we can get free drawing tools at  http://manga-studio-ex.en.softonic.com/ and to get a bamboo drawing pad off of amazon.

there was so much great information shared, you really had to be there to get into the career of black film, scifi, graphic arts and comics who can make up to $1,000 per page. $10 to network with industry leaders is a great deal and wonderful opportunity to enhance your career opportunities. we learned that gibson school of music offers free drawing classes every saturday noon til 1pm http://gibsonmusicarts.com/. think that my babies and i will be attending those classes every saturday because we learned how to draw during meki ra workshop. meki ra taught us basics to drawing and if my babies could get those basic down packed then they will be able to create a life of their own!!

mr. yumy odom founder of the east coast black age of comic convention offers read for fun workbooks and STARS, storytelling that advances reading skills. you can learn more about these fun learning programs and the 15th annual east coast black age of comics convention. hopefully my babies will have made their own superheros and will be able to enter afrocoz, have our own table and maybe do a workshop!! the east coast black age of comics convention 1735 market street, suite a513, phila. pa. 19103 www.ecbacc.com 267.536.9847 akinseye.brown@ecbacc.com yumy.odom@ecbacc.com fb/ecbacc.page 

some information i was able to obtain from some of the vendors:

helvetika bold
social justice superhero
disrupting the dominant narrative
one world at a time

original seed expressions
art education advocacy
community art programming
color and art therapies
birthday party's, event face painting $75 and up
jihan thomas

women in comics august 1-31st 
poe park visiting center gallery
grand concourse bet. e. 192 st
and e kingsbridge road
bronx, ny 10458
curated by regine sawyer and ray felix

episode1: exploring ancient africa

kamau mshale

whit taylor

generate comics
marcos evans
creative team: 
G walker Teon, marco Evans, 
Dave Perrin, Oz Wilson, Q barber

keshawn dodds
"solar warrios's series"


adaku ononogbo

adae mina

action figure & bust customizing

rorie still

ground up studios
sean tate
story board

jamar nicholas

paranormal romance with ebooks

blue dimples
design and customize products

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Citizen Advocacy: You Can't Fool Us With Your Charter School Lottery Scams