Who Gains Most From School Choice? Not
Low-Income Students Of Color
As parents and students reenter public schools for a new year, they’re hearing a lot about “school choice.”
Having “choice,” they’re told, lets parents send their kids to schools other than their assigned neighborhood school, such as a charter school, a magnet school, or, in some cases, even a school in another district.
No doubt school choice will benefit some parents – just as any market-based system has some winners and some losers. But who really stands to gain most from choice and why?
“We will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents send them to a safe school of their choice,” Republican Presidential candidateDonald Trump declared at the Republican National Convention. Reporters at Education Week have noticed Trump’s campaign is “increasing focus”on the subject, and recently hired a policy expert, with a background in crafting education policy in Indiana, to “work on school choice issues.”
Although Trump is often known to stray from Republican orthodoxy, his positions on school choice are aligned completely with mainstream Republicans, such as Jeb Bush, who believe school choice creates a market-based education system, similar to commercial goods, where competition can improve product quality and consumer experience.
Democrats also pitch school choice as a policy prescription that will solve the problem of educating low-income black and brown children.
Specifically, this week The Atlantic has an interesting video report on how the Obama administration is advancing school choice as a solution to racially integrate public schools, and thereby give non-white school children access to the same education opportunities white students get.
Reporter Alia Wong explains how American schools are now more segregated than they were 50 years ago. Even though federally mandated integration policies, such as forced bussing of students to create more racially diverse schools, led to substantially better outcomes for all students in general, the nation has broadly retreated from that policy, with the complicity of “decades” of federal leadership.
However, according to Wong, US Secretary of Education John King has now “taken a firm stand on integrating schools” by backing any and all local efforts that make it easier for parents of black and brown students to send their children to schools outside their neighborhood where white kids go to school. This thinking also assumes there will be white parents who want a more diverse school environment and will seek out schools with more non-white students, even though research generally refutes this assumption.
Wong takes a skeptical look at how such a system is working in Washington, DC – a choice district where nearly 44 percent of the students attend charters – and comes away unconvinced of the Secretary’s theory.
Her skepticism is merited. A recent policy brief from the National Education Policy Center examines the research studies of school choice programs and finds, “The overall body of the research literature documents an unsettling degree of segregation – particularly in charter schools – by race and ethnicity, as well as by poverty, special needs, and English-learner status.”
by Jeff Bryan
My family really doesn't have a choice outside of home when choosing a good quality education facility for our youth. The Philadelphia School district stop professionally training educators for our communities and instead want to privatize our public education. The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers will train educators but can't get a decent contract. This is what school choice looks like under the current school district administration, Stop funding neighborhood schools, in fact close the schools, sale the property and pocket the money is what our Philadelphia School district is about. #SaveOurSchools
Under Gov. Corbett school funding decreased and funds to build and fill prisons increased. #EndRapeCulture Our federal government recently announced they will stop doing business with private prisons. The district's so called school choice equals illegal manipulation of our state constitution and theft of public resources from our most vulnerable members in society with no transparency or accountability until recent changes in several states and now in our federal government. President Obama literally fueled further rape on our communities by fueling the School to Prison Pipeline by nationally privatizing our public schools.
Thanks to President Obama business plan for public education aka "Race To The Top" creating competition among schools rather supporting all our schools, we now have an "Education Industry" controlled by a few tycoons full of greed and corruption much like the families mentioned in "Merchants of Grain" by Dan Morgan. Competition brings out the steroids and other hush hush tactics to mask the ill gains and/or deception. #EndFedEd
So who is behind all these divide and conquer tactics? The Elite members of our society who just also happen to be known as pedophiles and love to plot on helpless, woest me families. Dangling admission into the best schools or career paths as a way to pick and choose who they can further violate. Please do the research on who is running the schools you would like your family to attend. #BreakingTheSilence
Put simply this is utterly disgusting.. Children are being put below politics, because psychopaths are in control and believe that they are entitled to abuse people . It's even alleged that they used children's foster homes as a supply to fulfill their sick urge.
How has all this been kept secret? When they can't simply murder witnesses and victims to shut them up, these sick psychopaths have infiltrated into every part of society and call on judges, law enforcement, and media to cover for them.
With the advent of social media, even publications like TIME have been forced to report on the allegations swarming the UK. We Are Change and independent media won't stay silent and neither should any potential whistleblower.
The good thing about such massive exposure is that these disgusting practices by current politicians are now known and harder for the elite to partake in. It also sets them all up for failure if one gets caught - it will be like a domino effect. This will set things into motion to re-open investigations into whistleblower deaths and the living victims will be brought forward. No longer victim's testimonies be "accidentally" permanently deleted .
Don't think for a minute that the pedophilia accusations end there — more recently known is Jeffrey Epstein and pals' pedophilia adventures at Lolita Express and Lolita Island. Of course covered up by the feds because its involving some very big names...including Bill Clinton.
Over the years, Bill Clinton was on a plane with Jeffrey Epstein more then 26 times and he ditched his Security detail too.. how lovely! Now he's accused of underage sex by Epstein's ex-sex slave Virginia Roberts.. keep it up Bill! Another person that Virginia Roberts has accused was Prince Andrew. Roberts claims she had an orgy with him and eight other girls . #SnakesOnThePlane
Aaron Kesel
We Are Change
Thu, 07 Jul 2016 00:00 UTC
Pedophiles in the SchoolsBy John Leo: Oct. 1993
New York’s Channel 4 News showed some footage last March of a pedophile group having a quite chat in the busy atrium of the Citicorp building in midtown Manhattan. The pedophiles were all members of NAMBLA, the 1,000-member North America Man/Boy Love Association, which wants the law to allow adults to have sex with children.
accused of sexually abusing his students, and who challenged his firing. Rather than act in accord with the horrifying details of the case, the school district paid the teacher $40,000 to drop his appeal. That’s small change compared with the $30 million settlement the district is paying to the teacher’s alleged victims as a result of the case, or, for that matter, compared with the $23 million bail requirement that is keeping teacher Mark Berndt behind bars as he awaits trial on 23 felony counts of gruesome sexual abuse.
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/358552/california-protects-pedophile-teachers-kevin-d-williamson
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/358552/california-protects-pedophile-teachers-kevin-d-williamson
How backwards some of us are because of self aka personal gains. Creating another separate broken system. #SaveOurSchools #StopSchoolToPrisonPipeline #BuildYourOwnSchools #StopStealingPublicResources #NAACPMoratorium #StopSchemingOnUs #HumansInvolved
ReplyDelete“Over 60 years ago my father joined with numerous parents to stand with the NAACP and fight for all African American students stuck in a separate, broken education system. Brown v. Board of Education created better public education options for African American students, and made it the law of the land that neither skin color, socioeconomic status, nor geography should determine the quality of education a child receives,” said Cheryl Brown Henderson, daughter of Oliver Brown, plaintiff in Brown v. Board of Education and founding president and CEO, Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence and Research. “I am eternally grateful to the NAACP for their leadership on this case and for giving African American families the opportunity to send their children to the best schools that would help them to succeed. But I am troubled that in 2016, the NAACP would oppose placing better educational choices in the hands of families across the country. Charter public schools present African American families, especially those in low-income communities, with the choice to choose a public option that is best for their child. We must protect this choice."
That's not choice that's dangling cheese, #WakeUp