#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive

Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge: I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet: I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching. I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation. I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved. I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad. I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction. teamrhino.org

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Way We Communicate Is Key #FamilyCommunication

My grandson came in the house while i was watching television. He said hi Nana and i didn't reply, as he walked up the steps to use the bathroom he said "Hi Nana" again to get my attention. I said "Hi Baby, i apologize for not recognizing you the first time." The feeling of recognition appeared on his face as he continued up the steps and to the bathroom.  Both my grandsons demand attention and sometimes their demand can be frustrating. I'm learning to breathe and meet them where they are by planning what we can and cannot do. We are not perfect but we as parents try for perfection with parenting.

How we communicate with our youth is important to their development. My grandsons like to run and talk loud, often screaming at each other. i try with a soft voice to calm them down because they mimic most everything they see and hear. Planning to attend a Parental Stress workshop hosted by The United Way "New Eyes" program to learn about stress and coping skills.

New Eyes is a workshop for parents and family members who care for young children, birth through age 5, in the North Central neighborhoods of Philadelphia.
This workshop will help explain what the new research is telling us about stress. Afterwards, attendees can participate in a make & take activity and receive a free gift.
Attendees receive a $35 gift card after completing a telephone or online survey one week after attending the workshop. For more information, please contact Mildred Johnson at 215-665-2533 or mjohnson@uwgpsnj.org.

Host a Workshop

Hosting a workshop is a great way to connect with other parents and community members. Contact Suzanne O'Connor to learn more about hosting a workshop.

Communication outside of our homes also have lasting impacts on our family. Here is a video created by Every Opportunity that address the people our families are in contact with outside of the home, on a daily basis and how those people and the way they interact with our families affect our families growth in a positive or negative way. 

Published on Aug 18, 2016
Want to learn how to make your school or classroom one that gives every child the opportunity to find their voice? We believe language is the key to unlocking every child’s potential. The Rollins Center for Language & Literacy at the Atlanta Speech School offers free online language and literacy training for all teachers of children from Birth to 3rd grade on its Cox Campus.

Start training today at http://www.readrightfromthestart.org.

Words At Play is an initiative that my family and i have been able to participate in this summer. We learned different ways to explore books and family fun time aka visits to the zoo and other family outings. Words At Play parties are great for getting families involved in building vocabulary. We received children books, magnifying glasses an adult coloring book with the color pencils, book bags, free admission to the zoo and food.

Words at Play Vocabulary Initiative is a community-wide, grant-funded initiative taking place at Cecil B. Moore, Widener libraries, The Church of The Advocate, The YMCA, barber and beauty salon among other locations located in North Philadelphia. The grant’s focus is families with children ages birth to 5 years. Through playing, singing, and reading at “Play Parties”, families will discover new ideas to help strengthen their child’s vocabulary while playing with their children. Five organizations are working collaboratively to offer this initiative: the Free Library of Philadelphia, The Franklin Institute, the Kimmel Center, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Philadelphia Zoo. PNC Grow Up Great® and PNC Crezca con Éxito form a $350 million, multi-year, English/Spanish initiative to help prepare children — particularly underserved children — from birth to age 5 for success in school and life. Grow Up Great was founded in 2004 by The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.
For more information, please call 215-686-5372 ext. 348 or email PattersonN@freelibrary.org or KreiderC@freelibrary.org.

Also please check out our great corporate partners PNC Grow Up Great, there are plenty of resources for families to build strong, safe and productive families with their downloadable kits!! 
Words Are Here, There, and Everywhere provides a variety of resources to help spark conversation and develop young children’s vocabulary, building on their natural curiosity around math, science and the arts. Download and start some fun word building today!!

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