#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive

Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge: I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet: I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching. I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation. I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved. I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad. I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction. teamrhino.org

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

TRAUMA Did You Know That The Summer Season Is High Trauma Season?

 Did i mean high "Drama Season," when the number of all kinds of violent things happen to families and communities?  When we see way more skin then we want and are we really seeing unrecognized thick skin trauma? Or the school closing and gentrification trauma going on? No not in this blog, that blog coming soon.

i'm blogging fun summer family time being dangerous. Did you know that summer season is considered high trauma season? i didn't, til leaving Smith Memorial Playground and noticing some litter on the walkway.  A "Be a Superhero of Summer Safety" flier produced by Shriners Hospitals for Children. I don't like litter so whenever i can i do my part to  #UnLitterUs.

How does litter connect to trauma besides creating this blog? Is litter a condition of trauma? Traumatized communities are often decorated with litter during summer season, what is catalyst for this behavior ...................

 Throughout my life I have heard it said several times that; “if people don't litter someone won't have a job going around and cleaning up after them.” They then think they have an actual duty to litter, and this is why I say they are very immature, and therefore, all of us mature people need to in concert speak out and educate them.
Jim Beaming Downey

Are we as a city traumatized daily in small ways that add up?

Sara, describes an interaction with a litterbug where she yelled at a middle-aged man tossing garbage in a Fitler Square planter: “That’s not a trash can, and littering makes YOU garbage.”
Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2013/11/13/philadelphia-dirty-city-litter-unlitter-us-campaign/#RzCfAQAJXIol8dQ0.99

Public service announcements tend to be feel-good things to make us think we’re doing something to fix a problem. People didn’t stop smoking because of Truth.com; they stopped smoking because societal attitudes toward cigarettes shifted. Drunk driving used to be an accepted part of life; it did not go down because E.T. told people to phone home. 40-plus years of anti-drug PSAs haven’t really moved the needle on usage. And research has shown television PSAs are generally the most effective campaigns.
Read more at http://www.phillymag.com/news/2013/11/13/philadelphia-dirty-city-litter-unlitter-us-campaign/#RzCfAQAJXIol8dQ0.99

According to the flier, fun summer activities lead to a higher risk of injuries and death among children and is known as "TRAUMA SEASON" in the public health and medical professions. Prevention of these serious and life changing injuries is what Shriners Hospitals for Children "Love To Rescue" is promoting.

Playground 101

The Centers for Disease Control reported that every year emergency departments treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries.* Before your kids head outside to play, be sure to keep these precautions in mind:
  • Take your children to playgrounds with shock-absorbing surfaces. Choose parks and playgrounds that are appropriate for their age.
  • Teach children that pushing and shoving on the playground can result in accidents and injuries.
  • Remind kids to go down the slide one at a time and to wait until the slide is completely clear before taking their turn. Teach them to always sit facing forward with their legs straight in front of them. Insist they NEVER slide down headfirst!
  • Remind children to swing sitting down. Encourage them to wait until the swing stops before getting off and to be careful when walking in front of moving swings.
  • Before sending kids out to play, make sure they always wear shoes to protect feet from cuts, scrapes and splinters, and wear sunscreen to protect from sunburns and harmful ultra-violet rays.
*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Make a safe splash

While playing poolside may be a blast, Safe Kids Worldwide Organization reports that drowning is the leading injury-related cause of death for children ages 1-4 and it is the third leading cause of injury-related death among children 19 and under.* Additionally, each year about 6,000 young people under age 14 are hospitalized because of a diving injury, with one in five of those sustaining a spinal cord injury.**
Supervision and common sense can go a long way to prevent accidents and injuries. Always practice these tips to ensure your family’s safety around water:
  • Teach children to never swim alone or go near water without an adult present.
  • Give children your undivided attention when they are swimming or are near any body of water.
  • Always jump in feet first to check the depth before diving into any body of water.
  • Never dive in the shallow end of a pool or into above-ground pools.

Fun on the water

Boating, tubing and other water sports can be great fun but can also be dangerous. Nearly 71 percent of all boating fatalities are caused by drowning and 85 percent are a result of not wearing a life jacket.* Here is what you can do to enjoy the water safely:
  • Always have your children wear a Coast Guard approved, properly-fitted life jacket while on a boat, around an open body of water or when participating in water sports.
  • Educate yourself. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, 86 percent of boating accident deaths involve boaters who have not completed a safety course.*
  • Always check water conditions and forecasts before going out on the water. The safety of your passengers is dependent on you.

Mowing matters

While a lawn mower may seem like just a common household tool, thousands of children are injured in lawn mower accidents each year, some severely. Lawn mower injuries account for a large percentage of accidental amputations according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. The speed of the blade can send dirt and bacteria deep into a wound, creating a high risk for severe infection.* To avoid accidents involving lawn mowers, keep these tips in mind:
  • Teach children to never play on or around a lawn mower, even when it is not in use. They should never be permitted to walk alongside, in front of or behind a moving mower.
  • Children under 6 years of age should be kept inside the home while mowing.
  • Children should be at least 12 years of age before operating a push lawn mower and at least 16 years of age before operating a riding lawn mower.
*American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Fire safety simplified

In 2012, more than 136,000 children across the United States, including more than 67,000 children 4 and under, were injured due to a fire or burn and treated in emergency rooms.* Use these tips to keep children safe around fires, fireworks, grills and other heat sources:
  • Teach kids to never play with matches, gasoline, lighter fluid or lighters. Make a habit of placing these items up and away from young children.
  • Do not leave children unattended near grills, campfires, fire pits or bonfires. Always have a bucket of water or fire extinguisher nearby whenever there is a burning fire.
  • Take your child to a doctor or hospital immediately if he or she is injured in a fire or by fireworks.

Shriners Hospitals for Children wants all kids to enjoy a safe, injury-free summer. Should an injury occur, the physicians and staff of Shriners Hospitals are here to help.

To find out more about the treatments available visitShrinersHospitalsforChildren.org.

To make an appointment, please call 800-237-5055.


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