#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive

Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge: I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet: I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching. I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation. I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved. I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad. I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction. teamrhino.org

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Education The Resource Is Being Destroyed Not On My Watch

i advocate for district ran public education because the private sector has limitation. Please don't be fooled by the few privatized public schools who boast so much success. They use tactics similar to when you see someone you want to know, you do what you have to do to impress the person and gain their attention/trust. i'm set on raising awareness about the dismantling of the accountability grant by Corbett and how he illegally changed state law protecting the grant and public resources from the private sector. And let's just call the private sector what the private sector is, the church and the 1% who need federal funding to survive or just want to starve the most vulnerable members of our society. Creating the class system dependent on slavery.

Why does the church want our schools? According to "Can Catholic Schools Be Saved?" Education Next Issue Cover Lacking nuns and often students, a shrinking system looks for answers
By Peter Meyer 2007
 There has been nothing quite so shattering as the endless parade of headlines about priests abusing children. The Louisville Archdiocese was hit with almost 200 sex abuse suits in a single six-month period in 2003. In April of that year, the Boston Archdiocese revealed that it carried a $46 million deficit, “the largest any diocese has ever had,” according to theNew York Times, because it had paid out more than $150 million in legal settlements in sex abuse cases. The crisis in Boston was heightened, said Cardinal Sean O’Malley, because parish donations fell off by several million dollars as a result of the scandal. The diocese closed more than 60 parishes, and dozens of parish schools. A Gallup survey in 2003 found that one in four Catholics withheld donations to the Church because of the scandal. Four dioceses, of the 195 administrative units in the American Catholic church—Davenport, Iowa; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; and Tucson, Arizona—have already declared bankruptcy because of lawsuits over sex abuse. Others, like Boston, are on the brink.
Marketing for Miracles
“The world changed” was a common refrain of Catholic educators with whom I spoke over several months of research. And it was clear that they included the Catholic world in that assessment. Faith, on many levels, has been shaken. The “new reality,” says Samuel Freedman of the Times, is that Catholic schools “will have to become expert fundraisers to survive.” And marketers. And promoters. And lobbyists. And miracle workers. Catholics are scrambling to find their footing in a world of charters, vouchers, and tax credits.

i advocate with several groups, we act as education watch dogs, because we understand the fundamental value and purpose of free public education. These private schools were losing enrollment to our public schools because of federal funding the public schools could acquire thus offering a great educational development. i remember the argument of public versus private while attending The Philadelphia High School For Girls'. Central high was considered one of our best schools at the time because their alumni association invested so much into the school that students who could afford private school, went to Central instead. Central High For Boys reputation for quality public education unfortunately granted them a lawsuit by a group of girls who decided to sue the school district to attend Central because of their university style of teaching. The private sector is now attacking Central, Girls' High, Masterman and other high achieving schools. 

My concern for the growth of our school districts administration turns to frustration at the in your face tactics of Dr. Hite who could be here today, gone tomorrow. 

 Some how money can be used to pay six figure salaries and outsource professional development. Professional development that the administration should be able to provide. Clinics are being established in schools but Nurse's are being out sourced. Student nurses, maybe a few years older than our students screen our students and have the power to put DHS on the family. Technology from closed schools are warehoused, and Principal who thought they were immune from out sourcing are now suing the district. 

Outsourcing and creation of new departments in the district smells like dismantling, slowly but surely. We are witnessing the school district of Philadelphia being fleeced by an administration with clear goals to first dismantle district public education. Independent charter public schools will be next on the chopping block. Both district and charter schools test scores were cut by the Pa. State Board of Education. We are at the near death phase of public schools being ran by educators and parents who care about the development of their students and community. We the citizens of Philadelphia deserve better than outsiders fleecing our educational resources, and pretending to offer our families partnership in educational development. 

Chicago parents are on a hunger strike to save the last district ran school. Hopefully the opt out movement in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania will send a strong message to those interfering with our students and community development. Dr. Hite and his actions gives merit to citizens of Philadelphia gaining local control over our schools. We can get our schools back with our votes!!

When you look at this chart of charter schools in Philadelphia, look at the middle. http://pacharters.org/pcpcs-schools/philly/  

#OurVotesMatter #saveourschools #parentsunite #parentstrike #figthfordyett #nationaloptout #phillyoptout #apps #caucusofworkingeducators #redhenexploring  

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