Those PSSA's and Keystone Test Scores, You know those nothing test that WE The Caucus of Working Educators have been screaming about for the past year, You know the Test That our Public Education has become All That The School Is Suppose To Teach, Those Test That Stress our YOUTH Out because the school was NOT PROPERLY FUNDED thus our students weren't prepared, yeah those TEST SCORES WERE CUT IN HALF BY THE STATE BOARD OF PENNSYLVANIA and Parents you should be outraged at the setup to fail school to prison pipeline that is manifesting via public education.
Parents Black and White
We Have To Unite
Public Education is being attacked
Parents we are missing from this fight
We Cannot Go Back
Freedom Is Our Sight
Parents We Are Up to Bat
Education Should Be Our Human Right
Parents divided let's defeat that tactic
District and Charter School Standardize Test Scores Were Cut Over Night
Parents Teachers Partnership equal a strong PAC
With Local Control We Can Ignite

Parents lets learn the facts
Create our kites for
Education that gives life
Stop the rape on the most
vulnerable backs
Parents Let's Take a Bite
Out Of Corporates and Arne Duncan Hypes
Parents We Must Unite
Demographics and Desires
With All Our Might
Parents WE REALLY NEED To Unite
#parentsunite do we know what is going on with public education? why do we not have more local control over the schools that are funded with our tax dollars? with friends like these by Ken Derstine we learn from his research the business of public education versus the community control of public education. Why Should We As Parents have concerns for who is running our schools?
Why Shouldn't We Have Those Concerns Is My Questions? Public Education is under attack Parents, and if Parents don't step up NOW, I Mean Right NOW we will lose one of the greatest public resources ever. District and Charter Schools are under attack with the aid of boogee black people who look down on black people from low income and vulnerable communities. i remember attending a parent meeting at the district, when one of our parent advocates who had recently been raped in jail, started having a break down. the district officials wanted to call the police on this parent versus talk to her and get her some mental counseling. this parent advocate wasn't being arrested that evening because myself and other parents stood by her and shamed the district for their inability to connect with our most vulnerable parents. Parents we need accountability and transparency in the district, we want an end to the back door deals that leave us out of the planning and implementation of our school district. Parents if you agree, please call your city council members and ask them if corrupt personnel is acceptable for our tax dollars. Ask your city council members to amend future budgets with detailed line items and descriptions of how the district plans to spend the money and who the district plans to hire with our tax dollars. We don't want Con Artist working our school budgets as they have worked and destroyed previous school budgets.
You can find who your elected officials are at Committee of Seventy
Parents we need to know that the new ECAA Every Child Achieves Act was designed by corporate America, the people in our U.S. Government under President Barack Obama have no EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND AND WORK FOR CORPORATE AMERICA. I'm not going back to SLAVE DAYS, EDUCATION IS FREEDOM AND OUR FREEDOM IS BEING DENIED With CORPORATE REFORM.
Parents We Have To Learn The Facts Empower Each Other and Take A Stand For What We Want In Public Education. WE ARE IN THE CRISIS #stopcommoncore #optout #parentshaverights
Parents Black and White
We Have To Unite
Public Education is being attacked
Parents we are missing from this fight
We Cannot Go Back
Freedom Is Our Sight
Parents We Are Up to Bat
Education Should Be Our Human Right
Parents divided let's defeat that tactic
District and Charter School Standardize Test Scores Were Cut Over Night
Parents Teachers Partnership equal a strong PAC
With Local Control We Can Ignite

Parents lets learn the facts
Create our kites for
Education that gives life
Stop the rape on the most
vulnerable backs
Parents Let's Take a Bite
Out Of Corporates and Arne Duncan Hypes
Parents We Must Unite
Demographics and Desires
With All Our Might
Parents WE REALLY NEED To Unite
#parentsunite do we know what is going on with public education? why do we not have more local control over the schools that are funded with our tax dollars? with friends like these by Ken Derstine we learn from his research the business of public education versus the community control of public education. Why Should We As Parents have concerns for who is running our schools?
Eric Becoats in 2010. Becoats resigned from two previous jobs after reports surfaced of his misuse of public resources, the Daily News has learned. ( Courtesy of JOHN ROTTET / The News and Observer )
You can find who your elected officials are at Committee of Seventy
Hillary Clinton And Randi Weingarten
Parents we need to know that the new ECAA Every Child Achieves Act was designed by corporate America, the people in our U.S. Government under President Barack Obama have no EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND AND WORK FOR CORPORATE AMERICA. I'm not going back to SLAVE DAYS, EDUCATION IS FREEDOM AND OUR FREEDOM IS BEING DENIED With CORPORATE REFORM.
Parents We Have To Learn The Facts Empower Each Other and Take A Stand For What We Want In Public Education. WE ARE IN THE CRISIS #stopcommoncore #optout #parentshaverights
Please visit The Caucus of Working Educators site and learn more about your rights to opt out of nothing test and the movement to unite parents and teachers demanding an end to teaching to the test. We want our students to be able to explore and learn not become robots to a test.
Strawberry Mansion Education Forum where the truth is revealed about the dismantling of public education
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