on tuesday, july 7, 2015 Dr. Jesse Turner walked into Pennsylvania from New Jeresy as part of his walk from conn. to d.c. to raise awareness of teaching to the test. Alison and i organized a day of events for Jesse to hear stories that will help him connect the states on the issue of teaching to a nothing test and privatizing our public schools.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2014/04/ 29/the-scary-way-common-core- test-cut-scores-are-selected/
great day of advocating with parents, students, educators and concerned citizens. our goal is to get the message out about opt out options and to empower parents and build strong parent/teacher relationships that support the growth of our students. supporting Dr. Turner was a no brainer, we are on the same path with different starting points able to work in solidarity, grassroots citizens advocacy on display!! 

the day concluded with an education forum in strawberry mansion at mander playground on the baseball field. powerful informative forum thanks to Dr. Jesse Turner, Alison, Tonya, Ms. Ruth, Ms. Jackie, Antaiwn and educator Amy. our community partner North East Treatment Center under the direction of Ms. Carly assisted with feeding those in attendance and shared some great resources with us. Stan from Neighborhood Network, shared about political organizing and Anna from 15Now spoke on the need for living wages. Block captain Rodney Busch also assisted with food and water
for the event. Ms. Sherri from Strawberry Mansion Community Network secured the baseball field for us!!
Charter schools are a scam as Ms. Ruth who shared her experience educating at Fedrick Douglas. Fredrick Douglas school was setup to fail and be turned over to an EMO such as Young Scholars. Young Scholars failed and was denied renewal from the SRC but didn't want to go through public embarassment so they illegally transferred the school to another EMO, Mastery Charter school. Ms. Jackie shared the failing scores of both schools and the need to have people from our demographics and culture as educators in our classrooms.
The weeks before the forum Anna and i along with other canvassers from 15 NOW door knocked and invited the community to the forum. none of the neighbors whose doors we knocked on attended the forum but we were able to connect with nine families and network amongst each other and that equals success!!
to learn more about your right to opt out please visit http://www. workingeducators.org/ announcing_our_opt_out_toolkit
here are several more articles talking about the poor scores on the 2014-2015 PSSA test in pennsylvania.
Please contact your city, state and federal elected officials and ask them to support public education for all and stop common core!!
#stopcommoncore #optoutphilly #optout #hb172 #wermorethanatest #bandtogether
Thank you Alicia for being a power house of hope for the children, parents, teachers and our public schools. You are a shinning star. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to call you a friend.
Jesse The Walking Man Turner
thank you Jesse for keeping the advocacy against teaching to the test and privatizing our schools alive while others are on vacation!! in solidarity!!