Parents Black and White
We Have To Unite
Public Education is being attacked
Parents we are missing from this fight
We Cannot Go Back
Freedom Is Our Sight
Parents We Are Up to Bat
Education Should Be Our Human Right
Parents divided let's defeat that tactic
District and Charter School Standardize Test Scores Were Cut Over Night
Parents Teachers Partnership equal a strong PAC
With Local Control We Can Ignite

Parents lets learn the facts
Create our kites for
Education that gives life
Stop the rape on the most
vulnerable backs
Parents Let's Take a Bite
Out Of Corporates and Arne Duncan Hypes
Parents We Must Unite
Demographics and Desires
With All Our Might
Parents WE REALLY NEED To Unite
From Parent Tonya Bah:
How will the answer to these questions measure understanding of fundamentals, prepare young adults for the work place, encourage pursuing higher education or benefit a future Blue Collar Worker that drives a bus, or an Entrepreneur that owns and operates a book store?
It won't, can't and doesn't!
Insane right, yeah it is, especially if this type of questioning is considered in any way worthy of a pass or fail grade that results in a High School Student not receiving a DIPLOMA.
Can you believe this $*%¿?
Trying real hard to keep this clean.
A student, not receiving a High school diploma because of this style of questioning on three exams sure as hell won't make securing employment any easier.
Every Orientation, every Open house, every Community meeting, and of course City planned event, is another opportunity for us (citizens with sanity)
to bring nonsense like this to the forefront and to the attention of VOTERS like you and I.
How about this....insist that Standardized testing and it's ramifications be added to the discussion when anyone ask for your vote and or support.
How on earth can this form of "blatant criminal intent" against our Public School Students, not be relevant to our community's future!?
Join me in voicing our position, and together with popcorn and signs, "Refuse the test, More than a score, Opt out Philly!" (I love signs and T-shirts) watch elected officials stutter, evade, redirect, stumble and fall as they try to side step this issue at their Community meetings. Tell them their vocal opposition of or literature against Standardized testing will equal your vote.
I agree with Jessie
Knowing who "NOT" to vote for can be just as important on election day.
Knowing who "NOT" to vote for can be just as important on election day.
Member of,
Concerned Citizens for Change
Working Educators
35Th District Townwatch
Concerned Citizens for Change
Working Educators
35Th District Townwatch
Hope to see you Saturday, September 12th for the
35th Police District's "Unity Day" Broad and Champlost
35th Police District's "Unity Day" Broad and Champlost
My friend Ken Derstine blogs in depth on the break down on public education. Ken names those behind the dismantling and how they are playing with our future with charter school schemes and teaching to the test. You can read his blog at this link
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