March 7, 2015 Women HerStory Farmworkers life is a true struggle when you are an immigrant women or immigrant gay man. When they say money is the root of all evil they must of observed the treatment of vulnerable men and women. WE are all VULNERABLE in this world at some point in our lives. That’s not the vulnerability i am blogging on. I talking about folks who for some reason have challenges in life that makes them naked to a world dominated by vultures. Women are abused on these farms, in factories and domesticated labor because they are desperate to have a voice, to provide for their families, and shape our future.
While picking the fruit and vegetables we eat, and packaging the meats we eat, women are being tortured standing in cramped space for long periods of time with dull tools and possibly full safety gear possibly none at all. i’m blogging about immigrant farm workers because i learned that they are beginning to speak up for themselves with the assistance of Friends of FarmWorkers Inc. Attorney Liz Chacko showed a video as a brave woman Malissia was the name she was given, we have to protect the undocumented community, see that’s a whole nother police preparation mind set. Women in the fields are abused because they feel trapped and take the abuse, won’t unite for fear of losing their jobs or worse. Attorney Liz Chacko of Friends of Farmworkers Inc. described a time when such a group stood up for their rights and were fired so they visited FFWI and were successful in obtaining their positions back.
When assisting women of various cultures a major concern is the culture we are addressing. i have seen so much abuse to women in every culture, the attitude of a women being treated as if she doesn’t have a role to play in her home, our society and world needs conversations that leads to adjustment of the mindset.
Friends of Farmworkers
Amigos de los Trabajadores Agrícolas
699 Ranstead Street Suite 4
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(p) 215-733-0878
(p) 800-729-1607
(f) 215-733-0876
Gratis de México:
In Friends of Farmworkers, we provide legal representation in labor issues for free farmworkers Pennsylvania. We also educate the community about the legal rights of migrants and migrant workers throughout the state.
We serve communities of workers employed in sectors that rely primarily on foreign workers temporarily invited by H-2B visa ("H-2B Temporary Worker") and who return year after year to Pennsylvania, to work for the same employer. We also provide legal advice to labor organizations which meet certain requirements.
Over the years, ATA has provided legal advice directly to various individuals shape and has improved living and working conditions of many others through its advocacy and impact litigation, including the representation of various groups of workers and collective action.
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