Im feeling great right now!! Advocating for change in our justice system and seeing our advocacy result in getting the claws of the unjust system out of people lives is words i cant express great!! On the advocacy yes we did radar im bouncing all over with streams of tears!! Advocacy works so we keep advocating to get more off our backs.
Im looking forward to more of what #reformphilly is producing in the justice reform platforms shaping societys outlook about our corrupt justice system. There was a rally for Meek i believe held by the NY Justice League, crazy Philly didn:t pack the streets for the hearing, don:t think the magintude of exposing corrupt police officers working with a corrupt judge is understood in this case.
What i do know is that more who have been victims of Philadelhia police misconduct are able to seek the same justice as Meek. Thanks in part to #reformphilly exposing the PCRA, and more staff being added to the unit.
Assisting individuals wrongly convicted of a crime in Philadelphia
An experienced criminal appeals attorney knows there are different types of appeals possible following a conviction. Pennsylvania state law and federal laws both give a convicted defendant the right to file appeals based on a variety of reasons. One such method of appeal is to file a petition under the Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA).1 This type of appeal generally occurs after an initial appeal with the Pennsylvania courts is not successful. However, the PCRA petition is completely separate from a direct appeals with its own rules, deadlines, and regulations.
What is PCRA?
The Act provides a method for individuals who were wrongfully convicted of a crime or who believe that their sentence is unlawful to pursue collateral relief. You are eligible to file a PCRA petition if you have been convicted of a criminal offense and you are on probation or parole, you are currently serving a prison sentence, or you have received a death sentence. In order to obtain post-conviction relief, you must provide sufficient information that one of the following occurred in your criminal case:
Your Constitutional rights were violated in such a manner that no reliable verdict could have resulted.
You received ineffective assistance of counsel that prevented a reliable verdict from occurring.
You were unlawfully induced or coerced into pleading guilty when you were actually innocent.
Your right to direct appeal on a certain issue was unlawfully obstructed by a government official.
Exculpatory evidence2 that was not available at trial is now available and would likely
change the result of your case.
You received a sentence that was improper and unlawful for your offense (i.e., above the statutory maximum).
The criminal court that entered your conviction did not have proper jurisdiction to do so.
As you can see, an appeal under the PCRA can have many complex legal issues, so it is always highly important to have an attorney handling your appeal who has a thorough understanding of Pennsylvania criminal appeals laws. Additionally, you only have one year (under most circumstances) to file a PCRA petition, so you do not want to delay in discussing your case with a criminal appeals lawyer as soon as possible.
Contact an experienced criminal appeals attorney for assistance today
If you have been convicted of a crime, you have a number of options on the appellate level. Post-conviction relief is only one method of attempting to fight your wrongful conviction. Discussing your case with an experienced criminal appeals lawyer in Philadelphia can help you explore your options and put together a quality, well-argued appeal for the best possible chance at having your conviction overturned. Please do not hesitate to contact the Zeiger Law Firm at (215) 825-5183 to discuss your case today.
#SearchLightSeries so this advocacy is real and centered in mental health on all sides, what weaves us as a society today? how do we come together nonpartisan like, aka remove the bias from our understanding and look to understand the diversity in our society. So many run from the trapps of society because once you enter this criminal justice system you are no longer looked upon as being human and that goes for prison officials also, so many of them have sheep in wolves mentality. We must address "unchecked power" breeding corruption, We need to explore "safe surrender" and the fact that people make mistakes, especially when they lack development of mental tools. If they managed to stay out of trouble then they should be able to turn themselves in and show how they have become safe productive citizens not committing any crimes. the courts should be happy to not have spent so many tax dollars and consider their efforts as time served!! What's the kick back for judges who send people back to jail or extend their parole? i know probation and parole officer get incentives to violate parolees, what is the kick back for judges? i will be asking these question hopefully this tuesday!! #MeekIsFree #Reform #LarryKrasner #ShutThemDown #LetsTalk #EndRapeCulture #WhoAreWeAsASociety #redhenexploring2019 #sparkieexploring2019 .@redhenexplore .@redhenexploring .@roc_the_nation .@meekmill
What i do know is that more who have been victims of Philadelhia police misconduct are able to seek the same justice as Meek. Thanks in part to #reformphilly exposing the PCRA, and more staff being added to the unit.
Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) call 215-686-8000 or 215-686-8714
Assisting individuals wrongly convicted of a crime in Philadelphia
An experienced criminal appeals attorney knows there are different types of appeals possible following a conviction. Pennsylvania state law and federal laws both give a convicted defendant the right to file appeals based on a variety of reasons. One such method of appeal is to file a petition under the Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA).1 This type of appeal generally occurs after an initial appeal with the Pennsylvania courts is not successful. However, the PCRA petition is completely separate from a direct appeals with its own rules, deadlines, and regulations.
What is PCRA?
The Act provides a method for individuals who were wrongfully convicted of a crime or who believe that their sentence is unlawful to pursue collateral relief. You are eligible to file a PCRA petition if you have been convicted of a criminal offense and you are on probation or parole, you are currently serving a prison sentence, or you have received a death sentence. In order to obtain post-conviction relief, you must provide sufficient information that one of the following occurred in your criminal case:
Your Constitutional rights were violated in such a manner that no reliable verdict could have resulted.
You received ineffective assistance of counsel that prevented a reliable verdict from occurring.
You were unlawfully induced or coerced into pleading guilty when you were actually innocent.
Your right to direct appeal on a certain issue was unlawfully obstructed by a government official.
Exculpatory evidence2 that was not available at trial is now available and would likely
change the result of your case.
You received a sentence that was improper and unlawful for your offense (i.e., above the statutory maximum).
The criminal court that entered your conviction did not have proper jurisdiction to do so.
As you can see, an appeal under the PCRA can have many complex legal issues, so it is always highly important to have an attorney handling your appeal who has a thorough understanding of Pennsylvania criminal appeals laws. Additionally, you only have one year (under most circumstances) to file a PCRA petition, so you do not want to delay in discussing your case with a criminal appeals lawyer as soon as possible.
Contact an experienced criminal appeals attorney for assistance today
If you have been convicted of a crime, you have a number of options on the appellate level. Post-conviction relief is only one method of attempting to fight your wrongful conviction. Discussing your case with an experienced criminal appeals lawyer in Philadelphia can help you explore your options and put together a quality, well-argued appeal for the best possible chance at having your conviction overturned. Please do not hesitate to contact the Zeiger Law Firm at (215) 825-5183 to discuss your case today.
DA Larry Krasner will be at Eastern State Searchligt Series this Tuesday, September 3rd,
discussing probation. He has had so many challenges cleaning up the unjust Philadelphia justice system. We still don:t have restorative justice in Philadelphia because the grips of conformity is strong in this city with the first prison aka pentitentary mentality. Looking forward to what direction Philadelphia will be taking with probation and parole. #PaVoterCourtWatch askin who are we as a society seeking retribution via a cell and money? Eastern State is the first penitentiary in our country designed after the slave ship promoting rape of the mind body and soul When do we as a society step up and take responsibility for what justice looks like? Damn it when do we care for one another like family whom we may not all get along with but can respect why is punishment the incentive this system creates money hungry monsters who look to rape our communities mind body and soul We must stop this inhumanity I'm putting this on all of us!!
#SearchLightSeries so this advocacy is real and centered in mental health on all sides, what weaves us as a society today? how do we come together nonpartisan like, aka remove the bias from our understanding and look to understand the diversity in our society. So many run from the trapps of society because once you enter this criminal justice system you are no longer looked upon as being human and that goes for prison officials also, so many of them have sheep in wolves mentality. We must address "unchecked power" breeding corruption, We need to explore "safe surrender" and the fact that people make mistakes, especially when they lack development of mental tools. If they managed to stay out of trouble then they should be able to turn themselves in and show how they have become safe productive citizens not committing any crimes. the courts should be happy to not have spent so many tax dollars and consider their efforts as time served!! What's the kick back for judges who send people back to jail or extend their parole? i know probation and parole officer get incentives to violate parolees, what is the kick back for judges? i will be asking these question hopefully this tuesday!! #MeekIsFree #Reform #LarryKrasner #ShutThemDown #LetsTalk #EndRapeCulture #WhoAreWeAsASociety #redhenexploring2019 #sparkieexploring2019 .@redhenexplore .@redhenexploring .@roc_the_nation .@meekmill
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