The Anti-Violence Partnership, along with the Philadelphia Coalition for Victim Advocacy, has created a list of victim services in the Philadelphia area that provide victim aid outside of, or in addition to, AVP’s range of programs.
AVP provides critical services such as court accompaniment, crisis counseling, legal advocacy, crime victim compensation, and trauma therapy to over 4,600 direct victims of crime and co-victims of homicide each year. These services are provided at our three office locations, in courtrooms, and at local schools through our Violence Intervention/Prevention Program. We see firsthand the pain and trauma experienced by so many people in our city and commit ourselves to reducing the tragically high incidence of violence.
Congresso offers many resources to build our communities. At this workshop the focus was on assisting families of domestic violence.
WOAR: Philadelphia’s Only Rape Crisis Center
Women Organized Against Rape is a non-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate sexual violence through specialized treatment services, comprehensive prevention education programs, and advocacy for the rights of survivors of sexual assault. WOAR provides free counseling for women, men, and children who have experienced sexual violence.
WOAR is facilitating a legal advocacy support group that will function as a psychoeducational support group for those navigating the criminal justice system, as it pertains to sexual violence. Wednesday, January 18th 1:30-3pm at One Penn Center 1617 JFK Blvd. suite 1100
WOAR offers walkin counseling, 72 hour rape kits, will go to court with you and a 24 hour hotline 215-985-3333 .
Joesph J. Peters Institute was also in attendance sharing the great resource that they are. At JJPI they counsel the victim and the offender to help them both heal. JJPI helps with mental health, trauma and sexual abuse prevention. They have a satellite light program at Health Connections located at 9th and Berks.
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