Why aren't parents speaking up about what is going on in our public schools is what i hear often when attending events that affect our youth. i have been working for several years with the parents who want to speak up but have layers of issues to deal with that directly affect their ability to speak up for their family. Let's start with the literacy level of some of the parents we are speaking about. In Strawberry Mansion public education has been neglected since the 70's. Most parents went to school to get a job that is now over seas thanks to the Clinton administration welfare to work programs aka scams on the most vulnerable. How about at the time the jobs went over seas people of color communities were starting to flourish and wait gain benefits that guaranteed a nice retirement for your labor aka partnership with a business.
Pension Plans
Retirement benefits fared no better under Clinton. True pension plans, called Defined Benefit Plans, which guarantee retirement payments, were abandoned by the tens of thousands by companies in the 1990s. They were replaced by pseudo pensions called “401k” plans, under which workers may lose every penny of their contributions. As companies dropped defined benefit for 401k plans, enrollment in 401ks rose from 18 to 42 million workers . In addition, Clinton also allowed corporations to declare “pension contribution holidays,” during which they need make no mandatory contributions to their pension funds. Another Clinton move was to allow corporations to withdraw cash from their pension funds to cover 20 percent of their, the corporations’ share of the cost of health care insurance.
The Webs of Deception further plotted on vulnerable communities versus partnering with vulnerable communities by seeking sweatshop labor aka slave labor aka rape culture for top dog profit. Forget the people that help make these corporations function. #TheTideIsChanging So i hope to wake up people who just see the policies without seeing the real affects. Please also incorporate the various mental abilities often neglected in our communities via divide and conquer via self righteous aka rape culture aka spartan mentality .......................................................................... i write and create these platforms not to seek pity parties, but to share our experiences so we can heal and stop labeling aka finger pointing.
Admittedly, jobs were created, but they were mostly in low pay service occupations. Meanwhile, higher paid manufacturing jobs were being lost in the millions as a result of Bill Clinton free trade policies alone. Clinton proved an even fiercer “free trader” than Reagan. In 1993, he rammed through Congress legislation to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to include Mexico. One million, higher paid U.S. manufacturing jobs were lost due to NAFTA on Clinton’s watch, another 880,000 lost to China due to Clinton giving that country what is called “preferred nation trading rights” (PNTR), and another 1.2 million due to the U.S.’s exploding trade deficit in general — according to research by the Economic Policy Institute in the U.S. Corroborating the Institute, the U.S. Commerce Dept. in the 1990s estimated that 13,000 jobs are lost for every US$1 billion trade deficit — and that trade deficit rose from US$118 billion in 1993 to US$436 billion by 2000 under Bill Clinton.
I speak for we the people who live this rape daily fighting the piles of bullshit aka webs of deception aka accepted rape culture. If you don't live on the ugly side of rape culture you can get a glimpse via my blogs and social media post. We all live rape culture because we accept terms such as white and black people. We seem to believe that all people of color aka black people came to our country as slaves as if people of color weren't a part of the fabric of our country before the rape of so many explorers looking to create deeds of oppression for their delusional gains.
My hopes is to have more parents and community members speak at the next School Reform Commission Meeting Thursday, October 13, 2016 @ 4:30 pm from Strawberry Mansion community. The undercover rape going on in our schools is horrific, i met Mr. Daniel Cooper Esquire who told me he had been in our schools way too often. I'm sounding the alarm, gotta knock on some more doors to connect with more in hopes they get the message and will join me at the SRC meetings.
We are speaking, slowing overcoming the challenges with allies like San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the singing of the national anthem, retired Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel, Daniel Cooper Esquire and his brave father Kenneth S. Cooper, AAPS and a host of others!!
Pension Plans
Retirement benefits fared no better under Clinton. True pension plans, called Defined Benefit Plans, which guarantee retirement payments, were abandoned by the tens of thousands by companies in the 1990s. They were replaced by pseudo pensions called “401k” plans, under which workers may lose every penny of their contributions. As companies dropped defined benefit for 401k plans, enrollment in 401ks rose from 18 to 42 million workers . In addition, Clinton also allowed corporations to declare “pension contribution holidays,” during which they need make no mandatory contributions to their pension funds. Another Clinton move was to allow corporations to withdraw cash from their pension funds to cover 20 percent of their, the corporations’ share of the cost of health care insurance.

Admittedly, jobs were created, but they were mostly in low pay service occupations. Meanwhile, higher paid manufacturing jobs were being lost in the millions as a result of Bill Clinton free trade policies alone. Clinton proved an even fiercer “free trader” than Reagan. In 1993, he rammed through Congress legislation to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to include Mexico. One million, higher paid U.S. manufacturing jobs were lost due to NAFTA on Clinton’s watch, another 880,000 lost to China due to Clinton giving that country what is called “preferred nation trading rights” (PNTR), and another 1.2 million due to the U.S.’s exploding trade deficit in general — according to research by the Economic Policy Institute in the U.S. Corroborating the Institute, the U.S. Commerce Dept. in the 1990s estimated that 13,000 jobs are lost for every US$1 billion trade deficit — and that trade deficit rose from US$118 billion in 1993 to US$436 billion by 2000 under Bill Clinton.

My hopes is to have more parents and community members speak at the next School Reform Commission Meeting Thursday, October 13, 2016 @ 4:30 pm from Strawberry Mansion community. The undercover rape going on in our schools is horrific, i met Mr. Daniel Cooper Esquire who told me he had been in our schools way too often. I'm sounding the alarm, gotta knock on some more doors to connect with more in hopes they get the message and will join me at the SRC meetings.
We are speaking, slowing overcoming the challenges with allies like San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the singing of the national anthem, retired Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel, Daniel Cooper Esquire and his brave father Kenneth S. Cooper, AAPS and a host of others!!
Register to Speak at a SRC Meeting
Public Comment
Instructions to Register to Speak
Translated versions
Translated versions
To register to speak at a regularly scheduled or special meeting, call the Office of Parent, Community, and Family Engagement at 215-400-4180 no later than 4:30 PM on the business day immediately preceding the meeting at which you wish to address the SRC.
The procedures for addressing the SRC are as follows:
- Individuals must register in their own name and cannot register on behalf of someone else;
- Individuals representing an organization must identify that organization at the time they register, and no more than one representative of an organization can register to speak at a single meeting;
- Individuals must give their name, address, daytime telephone number, and the subject on which they intend to address the SRC;
- Individuals must bring seven written copies of their comments with them to the meeting;
- Individuals may speak for no more than three minutes;
- No more than six individuals on the same side of an issue will be permitted to speak, though an unlimited number of individuals may leave written comments for the SRC to review;
- Individuals will be ruled out of order if they attempt to comment or complain about the conduct or performance of a particular School District employee and will be directed to address their comments to the appropriate School District administrator;
- Individuals will be ruled out of order if they attempt to make any remarks of a personal nature regarding any other individual, whether or not that person is present; and
- Individuals will be ruled out of order and asked to leave the meeting if they use any vulgar or profane language.
Additionally, you may submit comments to the SRC in writing by mail or deliver them to the SRC office located at 440 North Broad Street, Suite 101, Philadelphia, PA 19130.
Revisions to current practice regarding speaker order:
The School Reform Commission will be implementing new protocols based on two general principles. First, it is important to group speakers on the same or similar topics at Action Meetings in order to give Commissioners the ability to gain the big picture on each topic. Second, the Commission would like to encourage new voices and topics at meetings.
Beginning February 18, 2016, the School Reform Commission (SRC) will be enacting the following changes to the order in which speakers testify at SRC Action Meetings:
- Student speakers will continue to be prioritized and normally will speak first.
- Other speakers will be grouped by topic. Topics registered by new speakers, those who did not speak at the previous meeting, will be prioritized.
- Speakers on resolutions will no longer be prioritized, given that all speakers are heard before votes are taken on resolutions.
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