#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive

Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge: I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet: I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching. I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation. I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved. I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad. I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction. teamrhino.org

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Early Childhood Intervention for the Self Destructed aka Willie Lynched

Terrible two, have you heard of them? My way or scream fits is how how young toddlers communicate. Demanding and receiving attention through crying has been the routine these past few years. My young toddler is learning words to express himself. Sometimes i understand what he is saying. He drops his head in frustration at the times i don't understand him and i try not to pretend talk to him. i inform him that i don't understand what he is trying to communicate and we have an easy move forward or a tantrum. Depending on what he is trying to relay to me. 

trying to get a photo, and my young toddler having a fit because he doesn't want to pose.

Adorable he is, thinking he can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. When crossing the street i will tell my grands to run across the street. My young toddler now feels that he is to tell me, "Run Nanna, run Nanna" tickles me, Sometimes i run sometimes i don't. He wonders for a second when i don't, then runs to the pavement. 

A toddler's headlong quest for independence can be charming, entertaining, and often hilarious. But sometimes his antics can challenge even the most easygoing mom or dad. So it's important to remember that when a 1-year-old exhibits Jekyll-and-Hyde-like mood swings, or a 2-year-old's every other word is "NO!" or the derring-do of a 3-year-old has you wondering if he'll survive preschool, he's not trying to be so trying: It's all part and parcel of this particular stage of childhood. Most important, your toddler will eventually outgrow it.
Meanwhile, it helps to understand why toddlers do what they do. A guide to the hallmark quirks of the 1- to 3-year-old set.
From the Parenting Guide to Your Toddler, by Paula Spencer, with the editors of Parenting, published by Ballantine Books, a division of Random House, Inc.
mood swings
One minute your child has all the presence of a prince and the patient wonder of an explorer. Then  -- bang! In the nanosecond it takes you to say something as innocuous as "Here's your juice," he reverts to the angry inflexibility of a dictator. To a toddler, there's only the here and now. The block-tower crash that was so distressing five minutes ago may seem like ancient history, as he's moved on to the delightful sight of a cement mixer outside the living-room window, or the discomfort of a dirty diaper. Take these whims in stride. When feasible, shift your attention along with your child's. A predictable routine can minimize his upsets, but won't eliminate them. Just don't take personality morphs personally.
"No" is a powerful word. "No, we can't stay at the park any longer." "No more cookies." "No biting." Little wonder that a toddler loves to say the word herself  -- a lot. It's emphatic. It bears the indelible stamp of one's personal opinion. And it implies control, a precious resource at this stage.
Many toddlers use "no" indiscriminately  -- even when they mean "yes." They may just like the sound of the word. Sometimes, in the frustration of being misunderstood, "No! No!" is the only thing that comes to mind while a child is struggling to get her desires across. So that it's not echoed back more often than you'd like, reserve "no" for real danger  -- such as when she's grabbing a hot pot on the stove or tottering toward the top of the stairs.
Stubbornness can turn into inflexibility: Your daughter insists on wearing dresses only, or your son demands that his bedtime ritual follow a specific order, and if you say goodnight to Godzilla before Elmo, all hell will break loose. The child understands that by standing firm, he can (sometimes) make others do as he wishes.
The best course: Indulge such behavior whenever it's not really a big deal. Your child derives a sense of security from these extremes. For instance, Sarah Pierce, of Seattle, says, "At bedtime my twenty-three-month-old son, Adam, says goodnight to the characters in the pictures on his wall. He'll say 'Night-night, bellhop' to one and 'Night-night, llama' to another. Then he's ready to sleep."
If the request is unreasonable or inappropriate  -- your child wants to watch television during dinner, for example  -- refuse calmly but firmly. You may have to weather some tantrums. But ultimately, when it comes to your child's welfare, you're the boss.
All parents find a toddler firmly attached to one of their legs at some point. It's both endearing and frustrating. Clingy spells are common for 1-year-olds; often they're a physical demonstration of anxiety triggered by a stressful situation, such as a birthday party or a new childcare arrangement. Working parents may experience such exaggerated shows of affection at the end of a long day as their child attempts to reconnect.
Whatever the source of your toddler's clinginess, your role is to provide the reassurance he craves while not babying him to his own detriment. After all, a child can't do much playing and exploring while attached to your knees, koala-style. So make sure you give him plenty of attention.
If you have to leave your tenacious toddler for a moment, say "I'll be right back," and don't be long. Even when you need to get something done that requires more time, like cooking dinner, reassure him with your voice. Caress his head as you pass by. Or let him follow you around. Find simple ways he can help, which will distract him from his need to physically hang onto you. Say, "I have to fold this laundry now. Can you put all the white clothes in a pile for me?"http://www.parenting.com/article/understanding-your-temperamental-toddler

My young toddler, autistic niece and self
The above descriptions is typical for young toddlers. So why does my young toddler have an Individualized Family Service Plan, or IFSP?  i researched early intervention to learn more and prepare for a visit with the service coordinator.  Early intervention is intended for infants and toddlers who have a developmental delay or disability. Eligibility is determined by evaluating the child (with parents’ consent) to see if the little one does, in fact, have a delay in development or a disability. Eligible children can receive early intervention services from birth through the third birthday (and sometimes beyond).

What my grandson doesn't have developmental delays or disability. He has been labeled developmentally delayed by BrightSide Academy inexperience staff and lack to provide an appropriate learning facility. How many of our young toddlers are being misdiagnosed? How are these resources abused in such a way? What should parents look for when seeking quality childcare?

The therapist came to my home and observed my grandson for an hour or so. He stated that when he visits my grandson at Brightside Academy all my grandson does is run and scream around the room. He wants to visit my grandson in my care from now on and recommends that i provide care for my grandson versus the daycare center. my conclusion is the environment at Brightside Academy creates a young toddler acting out because he is surrounded by strangers who are not trained to reach him. i went to pick my grandson up from the daycare and noticed there was no outside exploration, just wood chips for the toddlers to run over, a blue chair and a dead squirrel.

Research continues to point out that young children learn best through meaningful play experiences, yet many preschools are transitioning from play-based learning to becoming more academic in nature. A preschool teacher recently wrote to me: “I have preschoolers and even I feel pressure to push them at this young age. On top of that, teachers have so much pressure to document and justify what they do and why they do it, the relaxed playful environment is compromised. We continue to do the best we can for the kid’s sake, while trying to fit into the ever-growing restraints we must work within.”
As parents and teachers strive to provide increasingly organized learning experiences for children (as I had once done), the opportunities for free play – especially outdoors is becoming less of a priority. Ironically, it is through active free play outdoors where children start to build many of the foundational life skills they need in order to be successful for years to come.
In fact, it is before the age of 7 years — ages traditionally known as “pre-academic” — when children desperately need to have a multitude of whole-body sensory experiences on a daily basis in order to develop strong bodies and minds. This is best done outside where the senses are fully ignited and young bodies are challenged by the uneven and unpredictable, ever-changing terrain.
Preschool years are not only optimal for children to learn through play, but also a critical developmental period. If children are not given enough natural movement and play experiences, they start their academic careers with a disadvantage. They are more likely to be clumsy, have difficulty paying attention, trouble controlling their emotions, utilize poor problem-solving methods, and demonstrate difficulties with social interactions. We are consistently seeing sensory, motor, and cognitive issues pop up more and more  in later childhood, partly because of inadequate opportunities to move and play at an early age. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2015/09/01/the-decline-of-play-in-preschoolers-and-the-rise-in-sensory-issues/?postshare=6211463401072221&tid=ss_fb

Let's hear your thoughts - what do you think?
Here is a new post from pediatric occupational therapist Angela Hanscom, author of a number of popular posts on this blog, including “Why so many kids can’t sit still…
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 Tamia  My thoughts are why are they losing play? This is the beginning of a child's education.
LikeReply2May 16 at 9:13am
Cindy This is what happens when big business gets involved!
LikeReply4May 16 at 4:08pm
Alicia Elizabeth Dorsey my 2 year old grandson attends bright side academy where there is no outside play exploration, their outside area is wood chips a chair and a dead squirrel, and they have the nerve to say he needs therapy. when what is needed is trained professionals who care about our families!!
LikeReply1May 18 at 4:33amEdited

So now we are talking disconnections from his mother not allowing me to care for him in the first place to the lack of quality professional child development at Brightside Academy at 21st & Diamond Street. Willie Lynch aka rape culture in living color.
  • family
  • community
  • policy makers
Because of the disconnect we are easily taken advantage of, pulled apart one generation at a time. Looking forward to this visit. (Not)

Once a child feels he can’t live another minute without a desired item, the feelings run high. He has lost his sense of closeness and the safety that brings. He feels hurt, or even frightened. He tries to “fix” the feeling of hurt that comes when connection breaks by filling that sense of need with a blue shovel or a green balloon. But of course, blue shovels and green balloons don’t meet the core needs of a child. He may cling to the item he wants, but it doesn’t do his aching heart any good. When a child gets what he wants, he may look OK on the outside, but he often remains brittle on the inside—easily upset and either defensive or unhappily passive when someone else’s turn comes.
Children cry easily at this point, because they need to. They often actually set up chances to cry about something they want, hoping their parents will know that they need to dissolve the hurt that comes from disconnection. Crying, tantrums, and laughter are the main ways children recover their sense that all’s right with the world.
When an adult can set a helpful limit, and offer warmth and caring while feelings are high, a child can regain his sense of perspective. When he’s done, he knows once again that life is OK with the yellow shovel, or that he’ll eventually get some time with the green balloon. http://www.handinhandparenting.org/article/help-your-child-learn-about-sharing/

Saturday, May 28, 2016

#SmithPlays At Their Pace

Learning through play is one of the best ways for our babies and toddlers to grow into mature social children. Smith Memorial Playground opened "Nature Space" a certified nature classroom. I wanted my family to explore "Nature Space" when we arrived at Smith Memorial Playground, but my grands plans were to play on the wooden sliding board. When planning a family outing i like to prep my grandsons before the visit so that we both get the most out of the experience. We learn best with free and structured play. Making a plan and discussing the plan for the day, ahead of time allows for structured play during family outings with little resistance.

The "Nature Space" classroom greets us as we enter the playground. I ask my grandsons' who have taken off full speed towards the slide if we can explore the new "Nature Space.", "I don't want to go in there was my oldest response." This visit, i didn't  prep for the "Nature Space" just allowed the two of them to explore the playground and playhouse. As we are leaving, in their desire not to leave the playground they decided to explore the "Nature Space." Maybe one of our future visits will be to the "Nature Space" first with a project in mind (structured learning) then play to foster growth in gross/fine motor skills, social intelligence and language development!!

Gross and fine motor skills are an essential tool that children use in the classroom, at home and on the playground. Play is one of the best ways to strengthen motor skills. When given ample opportunities to play with a variety of interesting materials, young children will grow many new and exciting ways.

Activities to Support Gross Motor Development

Gross motor skills involve control of the arms, legs, head, and trunk. Child care providers (that includes mom and dads also not just paid providers) can help children develop gross motor skills by building in opportunities for children to
  • run
  • jump
  • hop
  • throw and catch
  • climb up, down, over, under and through things
  • pedal tricycles or other ride-on toys
  • push and pull
  • dump and fill
Specific activities that support gross motor development include running at different speeds, jumping rope, playing hopscotch, tossing and catching balls of different sizes, pitching bean bags, climbing in many different directions, pedaling riding toys, pulling wagons or toys, pushing toy strollers or brooms, and filling and emptying buckets and other containers. Remember that gross motor development happens inside as well as outside. A crawling tunnel, ride-on car, or pull toy can help children practice large movements of their arms and legs.

Activities to Support Fine Motor Development

Fine motor skills involve the careful control of small muscles in the hands, feet, fingers, and toes. Controlling the muscles of the tongue and lips in order to speak or sing is also a fine motor skill. Child care providers can plan activities that encourage children's developing fine motor skills. Try some of the following activities that practice hand and finger coordination:
  • play dough or clay with plastic tools such as scissors or cookie cutters to form into various shapes
  • blocks of various sizes to stack and arrange
  • beads, macaroni, rigatoni or wheel-shaped cereal to string on yarn or shoelaces
  • puzzles with varying size handles or knobs
  • scissors, paints, brushes, markers, crayons, and large chalk that are all child-safe
Shared reading is also a great time to encourage fine motor skills. Encourage children to turn the pages of a book. Remember that board books are best for very young children, because the pages are sturdier and easier to manipulate. http://articles.extension.org/pages/25802/play-activities-to-encourage-motor-development-in-child-care

  • Kids learn by building connections between brain cells called “neural pathways.”
  • The more these neural pathways are used, the stronger they get. That’s why practicing helps build skills.
  • Kids go through different stages of development and pick up different kinds of thinking skills at each stage.

Children develop skills the way builders build a house. They start with the foundation. What gets built on that foundation at different stages of development determines what the house looks like and how to get from room to room.
Here are key things to know about how kids learn and build on different skills. And remember … if you're concerned about your child's development, there are instructional strategies and teaching methods that can help him learn in his own unique way.

Building the Brain’s Wiring System

Each brain cell (neuron) looks a bit like a baby tree. As babies take in information about the world, their neurons branch out and create connections with each other. Called neural pathways, these connections are like an electrical wiring system. Each neuron can have multiple connections to other neurons.
The “wires” don’t touch. Instead, they pass information at the gaps between neurons—the “electrical boxes” known as synapses. Brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) help power the system to get these messages through.

How Neural Pathways Work

Each neural pathway is a circuit. When electricity goes through a circuit, it powers a response. For example, when you flip a light switch, a light comes on. Some brain circuits, like the ones for breathing and circulation, are already developed at birth.
Other circuits are “activity-dependent.” They need input to work, and the more input they get, the better they work. That input is more complex than just flipping a light switch. It comes from all the experiences kids have. Sounds, sights, tastes, smells, the way things feel and emotions all help the brain to release neurotransmitters and power those circuits.

Pruning the Pathways

The neural pathways that are used more often get stronger. Circuits that are not used weaken and disappear over time through a process known as “pruning.” That’s OK—young children have more circuits than they need. Pruning happens all the way through childhood and adolescence. That means kids’ brains are flexible enough to work continuously to build new circuits and refine commonly used neural pathways. This is known as “plasticity.”

The Power of Plasticity

Plasticity is especially important for kids with learning and attention issues. Their brains process information differently and don’t always use brain chemicals effectively. These differences make it harder to create or strengthen some neural pathways.
Teaching kids alternative ways to process information takes advantage of plasticity. It helps neurons build new pathways. The information may have to take a detour and take a little longer to get where it needs to go, but it can still get there.

Learning Through the Senses

Kids don’t have to think about developing neural pathways. It happens naturally as they explore and learn about the world. Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget came up with a famous theory about how children develop cognitive or thinking skills. The first stage is when babies use their senses—sight, sound, touch, taste and smell—to start to make connections. They taste, shake and throw objects. They also start to roll and reach for things and, eventually, crawl and walk.
All of these activities help build neural pathways that control things like movement, vision and language development. For example, babies keep making sounds that get them attention they need. They keep putting things that taste good into their mouths, and they keep moving to places they want to see. As they do these things, the brain strengthens those circuits and helps make the activities easier.

Learning Through Language

Between ages 2 and 7 years, language development takes off as kids learn more words, use more complex sentences and even read a little. This is a critical time to provide children with a language-rich environment. The more words and ideas they’re exposed to, the more neural pathways they’ll develop.
Kids can now use objects to play more imaginatively. For example, you might see your child use a big stick as a horse or turn a box into a rocket ship. Social skills develop slowly at this age because kids aren’t ready to understand logic, reasoning and other people’s perspectives. They often have difficulty putting themselves in other people’s shoes and can be critical of other children’s choices and behavior.

Learning Through Logic

From 7 years old to about middle school, kids start thinking more logically. During this stage, kids are more able to make connections between things. They become “detectives” who are able to see clues and put them together.
Socially, kids develop the ability to take turns, put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand that actions have consequences. The circuits that process emotion and feelings strengthen and mature. In this stage, adults can support children by helping them reflect on things like cause and effect.

Learning Through Reasoning

As teens, kids start thinking more abstractly and with more complexity. They consider the “what ifs” of situations to figure out possible outcomes. In terms of school, this means they’re able to do more complicated math and understand characters and plots in deeper ways when they read.
Socially, these new skills help them see that other people’s reactions are sometimes based on different perspectives and experiences. Physically, it means they’re able to put different types of skills together to do more complicated things like driving. The wiring system of the brain becomes more intricate, with circuits intertwining with other circuits to allow all of those skills to work together.

What Influences Skill Development

To some degree, genes influence your child’s development the first five years. For example, genetics affect the number of brain cells (neurons) all babies are born with. But genes don’t act alone. Environment also plays a part.
The neurons kids are born with branch out and make connections based on experiences. In the first three to five years of your child’s life, his brain has the potential to make billions of connections, limited only by the number of neurons available. Your child’s brain is constantly creating and recreating connections.
That means your child’s environment—and you—play a big role in what you can expect to see before kindergarten. That’s good news for kids who are not gaining skills as rapidly as expected. With early intervention and at-home strategies, kids with developmental delays are likely to acquire new skills and build on their strengths. https://www.understood.org/en/learning-attention-issues/signs-symptoms/developmental-milestones/skill-development-from-birth-to-age-5

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Exposure Is Key 2016 Part 2

There was a two hour class on container gardening for pollinators held at Mander playground in Strawberry Mansion, that i wanted to take my grands to, but didn't feel that they would gain from the workshop as i would. My grands are two and four years of age, learning for them is done best when learning is fun. This particular workshop was a presentation by Audubon Pa.  and Gardening Coach Marcia Tate. We learned about pollinator plants and built a container full of the pollinator favorites!! This workshop was not for preschoolers.

Preparing my grandson for this workshop, i introduced them to pollinators first with oral conversation. The day of the workshop i took them to to visit pollinators and share their importance. Not looking for them to be experts on pollinators, (at least not now) but i do want to open their senses and have them learn about our ecological footprint.

When came time to attend the container gardening workshop from 6:30pm-8pm, the day had been a bit long for my babies and the rain added to the change in our plans. My oldest grandson didn't want to attend so they stayed home while i attended the workshop. When i learn something new, i try to find ways to share the knowledge. Returning home from the workshop with my container garden, allowed for more conversation and exploration on how we as a family are aware of our ecological footprints!!

we purchased "Giant Pop-Out Bugs" from The Academy of Natural Science store. i put the book on display, with their toys, instantly my youngest grandson ask what's that. i get the book and he looks at the pictures asking what's that? www.chroniclekids.com

blog on this workshop coming soon!!

David Wolfe
Page Liked · May 5 ·
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Christina Sinz
Christina Sinz As a teacher, I often hear, 'I send my child to school to learn!' That's true! But learning at home is equally important!!
Like · Reply · 308 · May 5 at 6:44pm
16 Replies
Kevin Double-s Baxter
Kevin Double-s Baxter The key word is "Only" I learnt life lessons from conversations with parents & older relatives & worked in the real world for years before returning to the classroom as a Teacher. School education alone could not & did not prepare me for such a responsibility.
Like · Reply · 65 · May 5 at 7:10pm
5 Replies
Andrea Wrasidlo Miller
Andrea Wrasidlo Miller Thank you! I love your messages! I'm a teacher and I truly wish other people would "get " this concept. We homeschool our own kids now because it leads to richer deeper experiences than test prep and pleasing one person for a "grade." Life is about traveling, exploring, talking, thinking, loving what you do...etc, etc, etc, but not worksheets and tests. My opinion only.
Unlike · Reply · 49 · May 5 at 9:33pm
15 Replies · 9 hrs
Justin Scarbrough
Justin Scarbrough I completely agree. a lot of parents now days rely on teachers at school to educate their children on life lessons. that is not a teachers job. Get involved with your kids and teach them what it means to be a good man or good woman and the meaning behi...See More
Like · Reply · 26 · May 5 at 7:36pm
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Reece James Woods
Reece James Woods It's sad that people actually believe they have an education when they are merely institutionalised and ignorant. They'll learn.
Unlike · Reply · 20 · May 5 at 7:01pm
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Terri Hughes
Terri Hughes Love love love this! Lets bring back the importance of parents being a child's first and longest teacher and stop putting all of the responsibility on public school teachers.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Exposure Is Key 2016

My grandson and i, were preparing for a visit to Mander Playground to learn about Container Gardening. i introduced our activity by saying that we are going to a class in the park to learn about plants and flowers. His reaction: " I DON'T WANT TO LEARN ABOUT FLOWERS." i say "do you like butterflies?" he says "yes, and bees like flowers they make honey from flowers." i said "no, they get pollen from flowers and help other flowers and food sources grow. They are pollinators. We are going to learn about Native plants, do you know what native means?" he said "no". i said "native means where you are from." He thought about that, i then asked "where are you from ?" and he said "north philadelphia." i said "yes," he said "i was right," i said "yes!!" then i mentioned that being from north philadelphia means that you are native of north philadelphia and so are the plants. He reaches for our book "Wonderful Worms" by Linda Glaser (which we got for free from the parent community resource room School District of Philadelphia), and we discuss how the worms help our flowers and food grow underground and bees and butterflies help above ground.

We then view the brochure for the event. He says "he likes the humming bird" and i explain that the humming bird is a pollinator also!! Now we have to explore why the bird is called a humming bird!!

To learn more about Audubon Pennsylvania:

Rhyan Grech
Program Manager, Community Stewardship
Audubon Pennsylvania
503-250-3020 (cell)

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At the end of our conversation i ask "what is a pollinator" he replies " I don't know". i smiled repeat that pollinators help flowers and food grow. Family gardening, Seed planted!!