#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive

Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge: I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet: I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching. I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation. I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved. I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad. I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction. teamrhino.org

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Education The Resource Is Being Destroyed Not On My Watch

i advocate for district ran public education because the private sector has limitation. Please don't be fooled by the few privatized public schools who boast so much success. They use tactics similar to when you see someone you want to know, you do what you have to do to impress the person and gain their attention/trust. i'm set on raising awareness about the dismantling of the accountability grant by Corbett and how he illegally changed state law protecting the grant and public resources from the private sector. And let's just call the private sector what the private sector is, the church and the 1% who need federal funding to survive or just want to starve the most vulnerable members of our society. Creating the class system dependent on slavery.

Why does the church want our schools? According to "Can Catholic Schools Be Saved?" Education Next Issue Cover Lacking nuns and often students, a shrinking system looks for answers
By Peter Meyer 2007
 There has been nothing quite so shattering as the endless parade of headlines about priests abusing children. The Louisville Archdiocese was hit with almost 200 sex abuse suits in a single six-month period in 2003. In April of that year, the Boston Archdiocese revealed that it carried a $46 million deficit, “the largest any diocese has ever had,” according to theNew York Times, because it had paid out more than $150 million in legal settlements in sex abuse cases. The crisis in Boston was heightened, said Cardinal Sean O’Malley, because parish donations fell off by several million dollars as a result of the scandal. The diocese closed more than 60 parishes, and dozens of parish schools. A Gallup survey in 2003 found that one in four Catholics withheld donations to the Church because of the scandal. Four dioceses, of the 195 administrative units in the American Catholic church—Davenport, Iowa; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washington; and Tucson, Arizona—have already declared bankruptcy because of lawsuits over sex abuse. Others, like Boston, are on the brink.
Marketing for Miracles
“The world changed” was a common refrain of Catholic educators with whom I spoke over several months of research. And it was clear that they included the Catholic world in that assessment. Faith, on many levels, has been shaken. The “new reality,” says Samuel Freedman of the Times, is that Catholic schools “will have to become expert fundraisers to survive.” And marketers. And promoters. And lobbyists. And miracle workers. Catholics are scrambling to find their footing in a world of charters, vouchers, and tax credits.

i advocate with several groups, we act as education watch dogs, because we understand the fundamental value and purpose of free public education. These private schools were losing enrollment to our public schools because of federal funding the public schools could acquire thus offering a great educational development. i remember the argument of public versus private while attending The Philadelphia High School For Girls'. Central high was considered one of our best schools at the time because their alumni association invested so much into the school that students who could afford private school, went to Central instead. Central High For Boys reputation for quality public education unfortunately granted them a lawsuit by a group of girls who decided to sue the school district to attend Central because of their university style of teaching. The private sector is now attacking Central, Girls' High, Masterman and other high achieving schools. 

My concern for the growth of our school districts administration turns to frustration at the in your face tactics of Dr. Hite who could be here today, gone tomorrow. 

 Some how money can be used to pay six figure salaries and outsource professional development. Professional development that the administration should be able to provide. Clinics are being established in schools but Nurse's are being out sourced. Student nurses, maybe a few years older than our students screen our students and have the power to put DHS on the family. Technology from closed schools are warehoused, and Principal who thought they were immune from out sourcing are now suing the district. 

Outsourcing and creation of new departments in the district smells like dismantling, slowly but surely. We are witnessing the school district of Philadelphia being fleeced by an administration with clear goals to first dismantle district public education. Independent charter public schools will be next on the chopping block. Both district and charter schools test scores were cut by the Pa. State Board of Education. We are at the near death phase of public schools being ran by educators and parents who care about the development of their students and community. We the citizens of Philadelphia deserve better than outsiders fleecing our educational resources, and pretending to offer our families partnership in educational development. 

Chicago parents are on a hunger strike to save the last district ran school. Hopefully the opt out movement in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania will send a strong message to those interfering with our students and community development. Dr. Hite and his actions gives merit to citizens of Philadelphia gaining local control over our schools. We can get our schools back with our votes!!

When you look at this chart of charter schools in Philadelphia, look at the middle. http://pacharters.org/pcpcs-schools/philly/  

#OurVotesMatter #saveourschools #parentsunite #parentstrike #figthfordyett #nationaloptout #phillyoptout #apps #caucusofworkingeducators #redhenexploring  

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Do You Have To Take Standardized Test If You HomeSchool?

Parents are looking for ways to have their youth educated without being taught to a test and feel that homeschooling is a solution. In Pennsylvania homeschooler's don't have to take the keystone test, but the truth is that in most states homeschooler's must take the standardize test also, but there are other test homeschooler's can take in place of the standardize test.

Standardized Testing

Homeschooled students in grades 3, 5, or 8 must take, and report in their portfolio, the results of the statewide tests (PSSA) or another nationally normed standardized achievement test in reading/language arts and mathematics. At the discretion of the supervisor, the portfolio may include the results of nationally normed standardized achievement tests for other subject areas or grade levels.

Homeschooled students do not “skip” grades, although they may cover the usually grade-specific material more quickly. Similarly, a student may not “skip” a tested grade and so avoid the standardized tests. As a homeschooled student moves through their educational plan, the tests must be administered at the appropriate time, regardless of how quickly the student accelerates through their education.

Home education students do not have to state a reason for not taking the statewide tests. However, the statewide tests may be taken at their school district without cost to the homeschooled student while parents must pay for an alternative test and its administration. Neither the home education supervisor (parent or guardian) nor the spouse of the supervisor may administer the alternative test.

The Department must provide at least five (5) alternative tests in place of the statewide test. A list of approved alternative tests is provided on the website in the Home Education Program BEC.

The Home Education Program Basic Education Circular (BEC) is accessible from the list of BECs.

PSSA Testing Dates
A student may take the PSSA test through their school district in order to fulfill the standardized test requirement. The supervisor should notify the school district early in the school year if the PSSA is to be taken so the school can order the extra tests and arrange for where the test will be administered. 

The calendar for the PSSA is available on the PDE website.  

Accommodations for Special Needs
The supervisor of the home education program is responsible for determining whether the test publisher allows for accommodations on the particular test and to ensure that the publisher’s policies are followed.

Keystone Exams
The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in the subject areas of Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Literature, English Composition, Biology, Chemistry, U.S. History, World History, and Civics and Government.

Homeschooled students are not required to take the Keystone Exams but supervisors of home education programs may request that their students take the test along with the school district, if they so desire. The supervisor should notify the school district early in the school year if the Keystone Exams are to be taken so the school can order the extra tests and arrange for where the test will be administered.

For additional information, please contact: 

Suzanne Tallman | 
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street | Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Phone: 717.214.8212
RA-home-education@pa.gov | www.education.state.pa.us

To Whom It May Concern:

Please be advised that our child will not be participating in state standardized testing during the current school year. Furthermore, we ask that no record of this testing be part of our child's permanent file, as we do not wish our child to participate in standardized achievement testing for promotion, graduation, or school.../state report cards.

We believe the following of forced, high stakes testing:
•Is not scientifically-based and fails to follow the U.S. Government’s own data on learning
•Fosters test driven education that is not meeting the individual/intellectual needs of students
•Presents a racial and economic bias that is beneficial to white middle/upper class students and detrimental to second language students, impoverished students, and students of color
•Violates the United States Constitution’s ESEA Fiscal Fairness Act
•Supports complicity of corporate interests rather than democracy based on public concerns
•Fosters coercion over cooperation with regards to federal funding for public education
•Promotes a culture of lying, cheating, and exploitation within the school community
•Has used the achievement gap to foster a “de facto” segregation that has resulted in separate and unequal education for minorities

We understand that federal law provides the parent or guardian the right of choice regarding standardized testing when such testing violates spiritual beliefs. In contrast to our spiritual beliefs, which are firmly rooted in a moral code that embraces equity and fairness, we believe such testing is not in the best interests of our child since it fosters competition instead of cooperation, contributes to separate and unequal education for minorities, and belies our child’s intellectual, creative, and problem-solving abilities, while presenting a fictitious picture as to the impact of the pedagogy provided by our child’s individual educators.
Ultimately, our state is required to provide our child with an education in a least restrictive environment that does not force us to go against our spiritual beliefs. My child should proceed to learn and develop at an individual pace following education standards that are imparted under the guidance of education professionals, not market-based reformers, who are able to provide quality pedagogy without fear of reprisal if students - who mature at vastly different levels and come from diverse backgrounds that may or may not be supportive of intellectual pursuit - do not hit the bulls’ eye of a constantly moving achievement target.

Therefore, we request that the school provide appropriate learning activities during the testing window and utilize an alternative assessment portfolio or concordant college testing score to fulfill promotion and or graduation requirements, as our child opts out of standardized testing.

Child’s Name ID#_
https://optoutofstandardizedtests.wikispaces.com/Letter+Courtesy+of+Opt+Out+Mom+Ceresta+Smith                   For more information about homeschooling please visit:http://home.comcast.net/~askpauline/index.html

Monday, August 24, 2015

A Parents Back To School Guide In Opting Out of Test, Data Collection and Keeping Our Parental Rights

Parents we live in the age of digital media entering our school houses collecting data on the family for purposes other than school house use. The data that is often collected is used to build prisons versus better school houses. Yes we want to review the data on how our students are progressing. The review of the student data should be exclusive to educators, parents and students. Student data misuse has become such a big concern that lawmakers are creating bills to protect your students data.

Data collection is starting as soon as kindergarten, Ms. Lindalyn Kakadelis wrote an article about her and her daughters concerns for her grand daughter image being used outside of the school house. Her daughter created a letter informing the school that she doesn't want her students image to be used out side of the school house. You can read the blog and sample letter by clicking the link.

i have read several articles on the concern of protecting student data and images. Parents when you enroll your students into a school we often sign disclaimers allowing the school to take photos and videos of our students for school purposes. What we don't realize is that by signing the disclaimer we are also given the school permission to use the photos and video outside of the school house. You can protect your students image by writing a letter to the school informing them that you don't want your student image used outside the school house.
Q:  Do parents/family members have a choice regarding the use and storage of  photographs and videos taken of their child to support the formative assessment process?  
A:  Some families have concerns regarding the use and storage of photographs and videos of their child(ren).  These concerns stem from anxiety about data security in a world where security breaches have become far too common.  While we have confirmed that Teaching Strategies has never had a security breach, and have communicated that information to families who have expressed concern, we recognize that parents may still choose not to have photographs and videos of their child collected and stored on the electronic platform. Parents certainly have this choice.
Districts already implement a process using some sort of Media Use and Release Permission Form by which parents indicate their preference regarding having their child's photograph taken and used for any media purposes.  Districts do not need to create a separate form or process for the K-3 Formative Assessment process.  Rather, they can use their existing process to capture parent preferences on this matter.  However, it may be helpful for teachers to distinguish between photographs used for public purposes (e.g., school or class website) and those used for educational purposes and stored in a manner that complies with FERPA (eg., K-3 Formative Assessment Platform).  In either instance, parents may choose not to have photos/videos taken and stored if they wish. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sObOQmd3oeG1VHZaqf8_5uOK01wIilJbBN1w_5BfRWU/edit

So now that we are informed in opting out our students image via photo and video, lets share the info with as many parents as possible. We also need to understand our right to opt out of standardized test. Keystone test are not a requirement to graduate in Pennsylvania. There are several bills in the house and senate addressing these concerns HB172 SB880. You can learn more and copy the opt out letters to present to the school district athttp://www.workingeducators.org/opt_out_philly_hits_the_streets_in_2015_2016?recruiter_id=6

If you reside outside of Pennsylvania please visit United Opt Out site for information concerning opt out in your state!!

Also to learn more about common core please visit:

Parents we are under attack much like our educators. Corporate America is working hard to implement public education as an online and only online tool, this way educators are no longer required. Alarming because online learning is not for everyone, and not every parent has the ability to assist their student online. i worked with a family who used the online platform. The family hired me because their students were failing in this online school. The students were failing because the parents didn't have the time and knowledge to supervise/assist their students online activities. Education is a family responsibility, parents should be involved in every step of their youth educational development.

American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, which is working to enrich corporations and, as one ALEC member put it, “stomp out local control.”
Parents please sign Parental Rights petition protecting parents rights so we can protect our rights and put corporate America and our Federal government in their place. Title 1 also protects parents!!

Also in Philadelphia some of the schools have clinics that students age 14 and up can visit without parental consent. Is there a clinic in your students school? i learned that these clinics don't know how to relate to our students and have destroyed families by putting the youth who seems challenging, in DHS custody.

#parentsunite #parentstrike #stopcommoncore #nationaloptout #refusethetest #phillyoptout 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Parents Your Student Information Is For Sale If You Don't Refuse To Have Your Child Included In The Directory This Year

i received these emails from two parent advocates about the data mining that is going on with our students information:

Alison McDowell via googlegroups.com 

8:04 AM (4 hours ago)
to opt-out-phillyITAG-Opt-Outapps-philly
Really good article from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on student data privacy issues in PA below. Be advised that parents can opt out of the Google Apps for Education terms of use. The new student email accounts use the student's ID number as the address, so that content of emails and associated drives can be tracked are are likely considered student records under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (also see link at bottom of post to protect student medical records), and thus can be shared with third parties without parent consent for "research" purposes. This is a particular issue because many schools are now using chromebooks, which require entering an email address to access the Internet. Log-ins also enable ongoing monitoring by the District regarding use of "personalized" online learning programs and online classrooms discussions through shared documents, etc. Something to consider as the new school year gets underway...

Dawn Sweeney via googlegroups.com 

8:42 AM (4 hours ago)
to Alisonopt-out-philly
Thanks Alison!

Parents can refuse to have their child included in Directory information – this is the gateway to sharing student information, but does not prevent data collection by the apps mentioned in the article Alison posted.  

The Directory Information refusal needs to be done by this year.  Below is a sample email sent to school principal and the wording of the right to refuse.

Dear Principal ____________,

I am writing to refuse to permit the disclosures of any and all directory information for my student name per the below guidelines.

Sincerely,5. The right to refuse the designation of any or all the categories of directory information. 
The District is permitted by law to disclose directory information without the written consent of the parent or eligible student. The parent or eligible student has the right to refuse to permit the disclosures of any or all directory information if a written refusal is forwarded to the building principal no later than September 15th of the current school year.
Directory information means information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information includes, but is not limited to a student’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, photos, videos, date and place of birth, names of parents and siblings, dates of attendance, whether the student graduated and the date of graduation, awards received, participation in extracurricular activities, weight and height of interscholastic athletic team members, and schools attended within the District. 

submit your comment to protect your students medical information  By October 2, 2015

Parents Can Opt Out Students out of Photo and Video Collection
A Sample Letter to Give To The School

To Whom It May Concern:

In accordance with the option to opt out offered by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, I am opting my child, _______________________, out of the use and storage of photographs, videos, and audio recordings to support evidence of performance ratings on the formative K-3 assessment process.  This option is offered to parents in the FAQ section of the NC Department of Public Instruction Live Binder on K-3 Formative Assessment Process.

I do not want any photographs, videos, or audio recording taken because such actions would expose _________________________ to data security breaches and represent an invasion of his/her privacy.  The data being collected is not being stored in a server located on the school grounds, but in another electronic platform. Further, such collection and use of data without my consent as parent or guardian would constitute a violation of my parental rights under the U.S. Constitution.

I also request the school not begin a “Child Profile” with __________________________’s K-3 Formative Assessment ratings to be included in the tracking of student data until his/her 5th year in the workforce (P20W), and the collection and use of his/her information (data) for the State Longitudinal Data System.  While I understand a Unique Identifier is given, for security purposes, a student’s name will always be attached to the UID for adding additional data over the years.

Please place a copy of this notice in my child’s official record and ensure his/her teachers are notified that he/she will not be participating in any electronic profiling by the use of photographs, videos and audio recordings.

I have no problem with __________________________’s photograph being taken and used for public or media purposes (e.g., school, class website, classroom).


Parent’s Signature: __________________________________________


These Standarize Test Set Us Up To Fail

i advocate to save the public school resource so much because the schoolhouse is the foundation of community. An educated community equals, safe and productive community. The attack on public resources is finally being challenged thanks to us being at the stand up or die period in the so called education reform. We have to come together and fight for our public resources or we will seriously be buying air in the near future.

i learned about the Pennsylvania State Board cutting scores of those standardized test in July. i recruited some advocacy friends at 15 NOW and canvassed the Strawberry Mansion community about what the state board did with the scores. I invited these neighbors to a forum in the park where we had food and conversation about teaching to the test. Never in a my life time would i have imagined the public schoolhouse as a place were our students are molded to take a test that deters them from rounded learning and cuts the scores of the test after the students have taken the test. Many regional leaders take a stand against the test, but not Dr. Hite for he is on the side of privatizing our schools and doesn't care about the Philadelphia communities.

i have been advocating with The Caucus of Working Educators and The Alliance For Philadelphia Public Schools because they are the only grassroots organizations that are raising awareness about fair funding for our schools, teaching to the test and what is really going on in our Philadelphia public schools. We talked with several hundred parents about the fact that our students are setup to fail with those standardized test and gave parents letters that they could present to the their school and opt their students out of the PSSA's for students 3rd-8th grade and the Keystone, PARRC or any PBA for high schoolers under federal law.

from facebook:
Gladys Smith Stefany Here is the whole story: Turkeyfoot school board eliminates Keystone Exam project requirement
By MATTHEW TOTH mtoth@dailyamerican.com | Posted: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 10:43 pm

Turkeyfoot Valley Area School District
The Turkeyfoot school board voted Monday to remove the Keystone Exam project-based assessment requirement for students until it receives definitive guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Keystone Exams are state-developed assessments designed to be taken at the end of algebra I, biology and literature programs. Students who do not score proficient on these exams will be required to take a project-based assessment in order to graduate, starting with the Class of 2017.
Many districts have criticized the assessment process, saying it creates higher dropout rates and additional costs for the school district.
Turkeyfoot Superintendent Jeffrey Malaspino told the board that the assessment is not cost-effective for the school and asked the board to eliminate the assessment as a graduation requirement. Malaspino said the process is a drain on resources and time.
“Until we get more definitive guidance from the Department of Education, the time we use for this requirement is time we could use to educate the students on something,” Malaspino said.
Malaspino said students will take the Keystone Exams at least twice, and students will be allowed to take the exam again if they choose.
The board unanimously agreed to remove the assessment.
The state Senate voted 49-0 in June to delay using the Keystone Exams as a graduation requirement until the 2018-19 school year. The bill was referred to the House Education Committee.
Rockwood French teacher Greta Carroll, Turkeyfoot foreign language teacher Holly Vogel and Turkeyfoot student Megan Hoover held a presentation for the board about the school’s exchange program. In June, 10 Rockwood students and nine Turkeyfoot students spent two weeks in France, touring sites that included the Eiffel Tower, Pointe du Hoc and Notre Dame.
Carroll thanked the board for supporting the program and said she hopes members will consider funding more students for the exchange in the future.
“I would definitely encourage students to go (on the exchange programs) because you learn something from it,” Hoover said.
The board hired William Cooney, of Meyersdale, as a cross country volunteer for the 2015-16 school year for a $500 stipend. The board also approved $300 to purchase 12 new uniforms for the cross country team. Principal Richard Berkley said that seven boys and three girls have already approached the school about participating, and heexpects more will sign up when school begins.
Bethany Frieri, of Rockwood, was hired as a long-term secondary English teacher at a salary of $119.57 per day. The board also hired Ashley Nichols and Rose Stimmell as substitute aides/secretaries for $7.25 an hour.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Queen Latifah Show introducing the Veggie Vending Machines, Imagine What We Can Do With Community Gardens!!

Watching Queen Latifah show i learned about Farmer's Fridge and their salad vending machines. This is one more example that i can show to my community whom i'm trying to get to understand the revenue we could produce by transforming vacant lots into farmers markets. Healthy choices in eating is in demand in Strawberry Mansion. Salads are often ordered at the pizza store versus pizza because there are not many stores in our community offering a healthy meal. Kentucky Fried Chicken prepares string beans, coleslaw and maybe a few other healthy sides but to have fresh raw foods prepared daily in Strawberry Mansion is not going on at the moment.

The process of getting us all on the same page is worth the end result. The neighbors i have talked to are allowing the thought of opening a farmers market to sink in. For their desire was to have a playground installed on the property, but was told by the NAC that a playground wasn't possible because we live around the corner from Fairmount Park where there is a playground. i wasn't at that meeting for i surely would have asked if a sitting area for the neighbors with a play area be put in the vacant lot that is convenient to the neighbors some of whom are seniors and may not want to be around those in the bigger playground.

i would like for my neighbors to know all the possibilities that could happen with the vacant properties in our communities and work with the NAC and CDC to create green spaces that not only beautify our neighborhoods but also create economic growth and stability. The green spaces can reflect free self expression, creativity and social participation that unites our community. Imagine us creating community gardens that our youth played in. We could use recycled tires for swings and planters. Creating seasonal games that teach us all to garden and harvest in fun ways. Imagine us having social parties, birthday parties and harvest festivals in our community gardens. i so look forward to recording this documentary!!

The possibilities are endless with what we can do with the transformation of vacant lots into community green spaces. i have few communities that i'm working with to build these communities and will share as we get things started!!

Thanks Queen for showing me another avenue or revenue to introduce to our communities!!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Philadelphia Parents Are Opting Out Of Standardize Test Early In The School Year

The Caucus of Working Educators Opt Out Philly movement is growing with educators, parents and concerned citizens coming together and refusing teaching to a test. August 14th , 2015 Home and School President Shakeda Gaines hosted a table at the school district of philadelphia E Day back to school event. Shakeda mentioned at our meeting that she was printing copies of an opt out letter to give to parents. myself and members of opt out philly volunteered to assist Shakeda during E Day. Parents were informed about their right to opt their youth out of test designed to fail us. We gave the letters to the parents and told them to fill out the letter and give to school principal or take to 440 N. Broad St..

Parents were receptive to the information we were sharing about test scores from May being cut in July because of common core. Our parents felt as if we were being set up to fail and upset that the test means nothing as far as what our students are learning. Parents expressed the need for support when advocating for their families. Support with resources and when dealing with administrators who may try to intimidate parents. We are working on building parent support and hope to have a parent co-op during test week. we can use our access cards to visit museums and create other fun educational activities during test week.

Parents can get more involved by attending our retreat and help plan for shaping what we want to see in public education. i have joined the Nurse Leadership group to advocate for the end of outsourcing our school nurse and return nurses in each school. We are planning to meet

Friday August 28
6200 Block of N. Fairhill Street
(near 5th and Godfrey)
please let me know if you can join us: aliciadorsey2@gmail.com
we need to connect with the Latino community also.

August 20th parents and i are meeting at 1:30 at little jimmies germantown and phil ellena to discuss a parent radio show and next steps for african american parents and educators. be great if you could join us!!  we have one parent who will be discussing title 1, another parent who is also an educator and blogs for the examiner.

     please attend our retreat on the 23rd of August, please check on facebook for the invite. https://www.facebook.com/events/704141983063617/

you can visit www.workingeducators.org/opt_out for sample opt out letter and you don't have to use religious beliefs, under federal law parents can refuse the test no matter what.

      the education revolution is going down, we spoke to several hundred parents at E Day, and they are on board!!

Send in opt out letters early in the year and reclaim more time for real teaching and learning!

"But if too few students take the tests, the exams cannot be used in a teacher’s evaluation. In districts like New York Mills, and in large swaths of Long Island, the test-refusal epicenter, that is sure to be an issue.

Ms. Deutermann said that this coming school year, she and other opt-out organizers hoped to harness that, to get parents to commit to refusing the test early in the year so teachers could know in advance that the results were unlikely to affect their evaluations.
“Opting out the week before the test, the teacher still test preps throughout the year,” she said. “From the first day of school, we want teachers to know the test has no bearing on them.
The whole article here:


In Chicago Parents are on a hunger strike to get back their schools!!