Red Hen Exploring Our Conditions explores issues and concerns in our Communities with a Focus on Community Responsibility and Civic Engagement.
#TeamRhino #SaveTheRhino #SaveFive
Raising Awareness to protect our #WildLife, Please take the pledge:
I would like to join #TeamRhinodotorg in the fight against rhino poaching to ensure a future for people and vulnerable wildlife on our planet:
I will never buy or promote any products made of rhino horn, as I know that demand drives poaching.
I will be a committed advocate to support rangers and others on the frontlines of rhino conservation.
I will share my passion about rhino conservation and recruit my friends and family to become involved.
I will urge my government to continue championing efforts to stop rhino poaching at home and abroad.
I will stand with IRF to help save rhinos from extinction.
Court prevention is key to dismantling systems built against us. When we occupy our time with purpose we are able to live a happy, safe and productive life. Empowerment is key aka exposure to possibilities that some may have thought was not possible.
There is ongoing training to learn how to prepare taxes for free and help families keep their hard-earned money in their pockets. You will also learn about resources to connect yourself and the taxpayers to. Best part you will gain a marketable skill that you can do from home as a professional tax professional. Where can the road of professional tax preparer take you? Please do the research on the six figures you can earn for yourself and family in five months, also look into the next step in tax preparation, becoming an enrolled agent and help people with tax relief programs.
The annual King Day of Service with Global Citizens Greater Philadelphia will happen January 16th at Girard College with focus on Covid. There will also be online the Civic Engagement Expo along with the Job & Opportunity Fair.
Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service Jobs Fair
Looking for employment? Global Citizen, in partnership with The Urban League of Philadelphia, is hosting its 12th annual Jobs & Opportunity Fair as part of the King Day of Service.
The focus of last year's expo was on providing virtual workshops to job seekers before directly connecting them with employers they are interested in speaking with for potential employment. The Jobs Fair took place between 10am-2pm on January 16, 2023, with opportunities for job seekers to connect directly with employers following the workshops presented during that time.
Featured employers included:
The Urban League of Philadelphia
Habitat for Humanity
Lincoln Financial Group
Brown's Superstores
Power Home Remodeling
and more!
Please join us for the Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service Jobs & Opportunity Fair on Monday, January 16th 2023. Stay tuned for more details and instructions to sign up.
Volunteering at the Philadelphia Flower Show is a fun way to support PHS and your community! From greeting guests upon arrival, to ensuring guests have the information they need to make the most of their Show experience, to helping guests on their Show departure, PHS volunteers have always played an important role in the Philadelphia Flower Show. No previous experience is necessary – we give you the training you need, and you can choose the day, volunteer experience, and timeframe that works best for you!
Giving your time to support the Flower Show helps make PHS’s year-round programs to promote health and well-being in the Greater Philadelphia region possible, benefiting 300,000 people annually. And don't forget -- when you volunteer at the Flower Show, you are welcome to explore the entire Show before or after your shift for FREE. PHS Philadelphia Flower Show (
I attended West Mt. Airy Neighbors Women's Forum and learned how serious the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v Jackson is towards healthcare for women in our country. Good news is abortion is legal in Pennsylvania with previsions. Horrifing news is the criminalization of women, doctors and healthcare workers who look to support women seeking an abortion.
Sad reality in our society of abuse of power is taking place with after hour do what you want to the laws meetings that should be totally illegal. We need amendments to our state and local constitutions protecting women's healthcare. Councilwoman Cindy Bass reflected on her high school days and how the girls who got pregnant and weren't ready to be parents, had to keep the pregnancy because they couldn't afford an abortion. She made the suggestion that abortions should be free. Councilwoman Bass also shared how she attended a church in her district, the weekend of the Supreme Court ruling and was upset by the sermon advocating the ProLife platform. With her comments she was able to highlight concerns for the Afro American community. Infant mortality rates, babies having babies and deeply rooted self righteousness to control others needs to stop.
We as a society have that power to end these phobic attacks and protect all women's rights. We need more men to step up and be part of the conversation to help change attitudes towards women. i don't want to do what men do, i want to make a way for us women to be women to support each other and build space for us to be women!! What's your view of women? We need to have these conversations in our homes, and various communities.
At Unitarian on Lincoln Dr discussing #RoePennsylvaniaAndJudicialBypass obtaining an abortion in Pa if you are under 18 #SocialJusticeStopsTheViolence #pavotercourtwatch #hov1and2stronger
You can help protect women's healthcare by talking to as many people as possible about this concern. Please share this information widely!!
Women's Law Project Information and Resources 412-281-2892 215-928-5761, find an abortion clinic near you
Are you interested in learning how to code your own websites? Are you looking to grow your skills in computer programming and enter the world of developers? Are you ready for the freedom to be who you want to be and work when you want to work?
I learn about tech and from tech guru #ShellyPalmer!! You may want to follow Shelly because he shares great information and resources!!
If you answered yes to any of the above inquires then please plan to invest some time in yourself with #FreeCodeCamp and #ClassCentral six week free HTML, CSS and JavaScript training. These courses are easy to master and level up your portfolio. Age 10 and older can benefit from learning to build websites and apps with The best part is Free Code Camp is an open source non-profit with high quality courses.
What makes #FreeCodeCamp courses high quality?
The course materials are very easy to follow
All you need is reliable internet and a computer (best if you have a laptop or desktop)
If you get stuck in a course, you have several options to get help (i also google for help)
There are tons of support at Free Code Camp from social media handles to emails
The partnerships with Class Central is just the icing on the cake, offering expert tutoring and guess speakers
Best part of is that you gain the digital skills that are in high demand with certification that opens so many doors and opportunities.
Roblox is more than just a social space where people have fun playing various games or entering learning environments. There's so much that you can explore in this metaverse called Roblox. I'm excited to be learning with the platform!! At times i feel a bit overwhelmed with all the information that i would like to learn. So i'm making tutorials along the way to help me study and promote the freedoms of #AllThingsGaming!!
Im a bit nervous about making video tutorials aka vlogs, but looking forward to putting in 2 to 4 hours of fun work building my skills with game development!! Love that my grandchildren introduced me and teaches as much as im teaching them with roblox.
You can actually get some great yoga sessions on Roblox also with Alomoves
Im looking forward to introducing how to build your world and games on roblox. Roblox is a free open source platform that promotes fun quality learning and game development!! My grandson loves the math obby games:
We also have great quality family time with Roblox. We are learning from the Roblox Developers Hub how to build obbies!! We also search and watch YouTube videos on different skills for building with Roblox. I love learning LUA the programming language for Roblox. If you are familiar with C# than you can LUA program easily!!
Here is a script for making a part disappear:
local platform = script.Parent
local function disappear()
platform.CanCollide = false
platform.Transparency = 1
local function appear()
platform.CanCollide = true
platform.Transparency = 0
while true do
I'm offering $10/hr workshops exploring all things gaming. we will learn game development, monetizing in the game and various platforms. i can be reached at 215.381.7350