The war on our most vulnerable is getting worse under the Trump administration. This war is causing people to rethink about doing the right thing when applying for citizenship. The risk of ICE invading vulnerable members of society aka immigrants rights is the turning point in doing the right thing. Immigrants are now members of the demographics with targets on their back. This target is preventing them from living a safe, productive and happy life.
Jose “Ivan” Nuñez and Paul were looking to do the right thing by attending on January 31st their marriage interview at USCIS. Some how ICE found out about this interview and stormed the site, taking Jose Ivan Nunez to the York County Detention Center where he is now at risk of being deported. If Ivan is deported back to Mexico, his life will be in jeopardy due to his sexuality. Ivan came to our country to live his life free as he please without hurting anyone.
The #WarOnImmigrants is violating human rights and destroying peoples lives. Juntos, Galaei, William Way and supporters are demanding that ICE release Ivan and reunite him with his husband Paul. #FreeIvan #AmorSinFronteras As of January 13th, USCIS has deemed Ivan and Paul’s marriage petition valid and Ivan has passed his Reasonable Fear interview, meaning there is no reason why he should still be in detention. Please sign the petition:
This violation raise concerns for intersectionality and how our culture, sexual orientation and demographics are being used against us in a false sense of #EthnicCleansing which has been going on since the beginning of colonialism. We are in a time when we get to see those in our society who don't have the ability to accept diversity. More and more are resisting this administration backwards progress. We want to live in a country that accepts us for being us and not dictate who we can be or how to obtain happiness. More and more are looking to #EndRapeCulture aka #MadeInAmerica and that may be the best part of this administration.

First they came for the Muslims then they came for the immigrants. Not this time! It's time to stand up for ALL immigrants. Trump's ICE foot solders are on rampage to put into place this fascist agenda. They are going door to door terrorizing families and community members and attacking Sanctuary cities and their stand. Now is the time for everyone to come to the defense of those first and most viciously under attack and strengthen the movement to drive the fascist Trump/Pence regime from power. Come learn about the communities that are being targeted and deepen your understanding about the situation our immigrant brothers and sisters face, dig into how this fits into Trump's fascist agenda and how we can defend those who come under attack and stop this nightmare.
Arch Street Methodist Church 6-9pm.
Teaching “Precious Knowledge” | Growing Up in America
Mar 16, 2013 - Throughout the course of McGinnis' 70 minute PBS documentary Precious Knowledge, we juggle themes of hope and loss. ... Are we so elitist that we believe any knowledge of other cultures is a threat to our nation?
#Juntos is building #CommunityResistanceZones by arranging community canvasses to educate immigrants about their right not to open the door for police or ICE who don't have a warrant signed by a judge. We inform the immigrants to ask to see the warrant via window or through the door. We inform immigrants that they have the right to remain silent and not to answer any questions without an attorney present and don't sign anything without talking to an attorney.
You can support our immigrant community if you see an ICE raid, police stop or hate crime, you have the right to document under the first amendment. If you use your phone and do a facebook live video please tag #Juntos or share with Juntos. Police or ICE do not have the right to confiscate your phone without a warrant and cannot erase your photos or videos. Please take note of where the incident occur, time, date, how many agents and what they were wearing.
You can reach out to #Juntos at 215.218.9079 600 Washington Ave. unit 18UA Philadelphia Pa. 19147