Philadelphia is a city full of free or low cost family learning activities for every member of the family and community. The many resources that families can access for free makes Philadelphia a great tool in the education starts at home theory. We have great neighborhoods and parks full of free family learning that encourages developmentally appropriate activities for all ages. Exposure is key, next time your in your neighborhood park or walking through the neighborhood, read the landmarks and or monuments as a family and discover the story of how the park or historic site came to be. When you leave the park or historic site, talk about the story of the landmark and if you can embrace the history with the pride of being a Philadelphian.
My grandson is four and likes to visit museums. We took the broad street subway into town and walked from 15th and Market to The Franklin Institute. Along our walk we talked about the construction sites while watching a welder make purple sparks with his welding tools and read some of the monuments located in front of the Franklin Institute.
We used our access card and entered The Franklin Institute for $2. My grandson loves the hands on exhibits and i love the conversations that we have when he is engaged with learning through play. We explored earth and climate change. His favorite hands on exhibit was simulating the affects of an earthquake, i enjoyed the exhibit as well for he was introduced to the words, minor, moderate and major storm. Planting knowledge by introducing him and his brother to 1776 words before they enter kindergarten. Next to the exhibits in Kid Science there are talking points to help guide the fun learning experience!!

Sister Cities Park located on the parkway in Logan Square is now open for the fall season. The Imagination Playground™ has equipment, which encourages children to participate in unstructured play, installed in the area of the boat pond in the Children's Discovery Garden for use during cool-weather months. Took both of my grandson there for some free family fun and they didn't want to leave.
In a world of computers and video games, it is easy to overlook the profound developmental impact unstructured, imaginative play can have on a young child. For children, playtime can be a venue for creating understandings of the world and how people interact. The immediate gratification of an Xbox 360 or an iPad will never nurture a child’s mind the way that a simple day playing outside can. As a place dedicated to the spirit of childhood, Smith exists to provide children with much needed play experiences.
Story Time
Smith hosts Story Time in the Playhouse every Wednesday, year-round, at 10:30 a.m. for children 5 and younger. Each session is led by Smith staff and volunteers and features stories and songs. Registration is required for groups to attend Story Time.
Crafts in the Playhouse
Smith hosts Crafts in the Playhouse on the third Friday of the month, year-round, from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Each month will feature special crafts for children 5 and younger. Registration is required for groups to take part in crafts.
Family Morning at Smith
Tuesdays, 10am – 1pm, are reserved just for family fun, with no groups visiting. Come and enjoy the Playground when it is less crowded.
Ready, Set, Play!
Ready, Set, Play is an interactive facilitated parent and caregiver play group that aims to educate parents and caregivers on how children learn through play while providing them with the space to engage in open discussions of parenting. Caregivers and children (aged 15 months-2 years old) sign up for a series of sessions that takes place once a week at Smith. A facilitator provides insight and feedback while participants play with their children, talk with other parents, and observe how their children are learning through play.
The Ready, Set, Play! program is open to Smith members only.
Become a Member | Registration:
We'll be celebrating the abundance of the growing season and the 4 year anniversary of the farm with activities for the whole family, including pumpkin carving; fishing and canoeing; hayrides; face painting; cider pressing; yoga; canning, cooking, and seed saving workshops; printing and tincture making workshops; farm tours; garlic planting; and much more! Sign up for next year's CSA or a plot in the community garden. AUNI's teen interns will be leading workshops, demos, and activities.
This event is held in conjunction with The National Park Service's Canoe Mobile and River Adventure Day. We hope you will come be a part of the AUNI family, as we seek to build community around food and farming.
The Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative (AUNI) is a program of the Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania that engages, educates and empowers youth, university students, and community members to promote healthy lifestyles and build a just and sustainable food system. Our youth are part of a national network of young leaders in food systems reform who are helping to grow a movement to build local, socially just food systems that nurture personal and environmental health. Visit to learn more about our work.
Philadelphia Orchard week last the entire month of October, please sign your family up to plant some trees along with the seeds of knowledge you are planting during the activities!! Register at
Saturday, October 10... 10:00 AM
(Woodford Mansion, NW of 33rd & Daupin Dr, East Fairmount Park)
Celebrate Philadelphia Orchard Week with the East Park Revitalization Alliance (EPRA) at this fun community celebration of the fall harvest! Woodford's 7th annual Apple Fest will feature cider-pressing, heirloom apple tasting, pumpkin painting and crafts, and tours of the orchard, beehives and historic Woodford Mansion. Volunteer in the orchard 10am to noon and join the festival noon to 2pm. RAINDATE: Sunday, 10/11. Site info: GPS address: 2300 N 33rd St.
(Awbury Arboretum Ag Village, 901 E. Washington Ln, NW Philly)
Kick off Philadelphia Orchard Week with this fun fall festival event featuring hayrides, ciderpressing, pumpkin painting, crafts for kids, a flea market, live music, food, and more. And don't miss POP's annual plant sale, featuring fruit trees, berry bushes, fruiting vines, etc! 10am to 3pm. More info:
(Longview Farm, 3215 Stump Hall Rd, Collegeville, PA 19426)
Join POP and Greener Partners at their Longview Farm and Market for an apple and asian pear gleaning, cider-pressing, farm tour, and recipe ideas. Bring your own bag to take home some of your harvest and a jar with a lid to take home some cider! POP and Greener Partners will have some ladders and pole pickers on hand, but if you have your own, please bring them as well. This is a free event, but donations are gladly appreciated by the two non-profits, and bring money if you'd like to purchase anything else on the farm or in the market, or if you'd like to purchase POP's Limited Edition Juneberry Jam made by Spruce Hill Preserves from our June POPHarvest events! PLEASE RSVP for more information.
(Teens 4 Good Farm, 8th & Poplar, North Philly)
Lend a hand at this Orchard Week event and help Teens 4 Good expand their berry garden and maintain their orchard plantings. This volunteer work day will also feature a tour of Teens 4 Good's diverse orchard and the chance to check out the offerings at their weekly farmstand. 3pm - 6pm.
(Lea Elementary, 47th & Spruce St, West Philly)
WE HAVE ENOUGH VOLUNTEERS FOR THIS EVENT ALREADY, THANKS! Celebrate Philadelphia Orchard Week by helping to plant our newest community orchard at Lea Elementary! We'll be mulching and planting fruit trees, berry bushes, and rain gardens to transform the formerly concrete school yard. A collaboration between POP, the Netter Center, and Greening Lea.
(Historic Fair Hill Burial Ground, 9th and Indiana Streets, Fairhill, North Philly, 19133)
An Orchard Day Workparty! Help to transplant strawberries and raspberries, and plant blueberries, persimmons, and juneberries, and more in this sacred space! Help Fair Hill's gardeners and neighbors to turn the compost, spread finished compost, and begin to put the gardens and orchard to bed. We will also be drinking hot apple cider, hot cocoa, and popping beautiful heirloom glass gem popcorn that Fair Hill's gardeners grew this year over a fire. In addition, there are lots of trees to climb in this big, a tire swing, and lots of historical significance to be found.
(Grumblethorpe, 5267 Germantown Ave, NW Philly)
Celebrate Philadelphia Orchard Week at Historic Grumblethorpe with a scarecrow making workshop and other fun activities for kids! 1pm-3pm. Site info:
Tiny Tot Explorers
Calling all kids 3–5 years old! Along with your favorite adult, join us in exploring nature through songs, games, hands-on fun, and museum adventures. An appropriate snack is provided.
Tiny Tot Explorers (ages 3–5) meet on selected Wednesday mornings from 11 a.m.–12 p.m.
You may register for a single session or an entire series. Session size is limited to only 10 adult/child pairs, so register today!
Winter 2016 Session (Wednesdays, 11 a.m.–noon):
- October 21: Awesome Autumn
- October 28: Diggin’ Dinosaurs
- November 4: Feather Frenzy
- November 11: Happy Hibernation
- November 18: Rockin’ Reptiles
- December 2: Weather Watchers
- December 9: Ice Age Antics
- December 16: Arctic Animals
Events for October 2015
PHILADELPHIA INTERFAITH CHILDREN & YOUTH FESTIVAL — "Celebrating All of Us," Saturday, October 10, 2015, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Grace United Methodist Church, 7101 North 20th Street, PHila. 19138
The focus this year is on kids with special needs. For more information and space at the festival (free for organizations serving kids with special needs), contact Neomosha Nelson at
Learn about all the museum partners offering $2 admission at
We have to be part of our youths development on every level. “As a school leader we constantly had to remind parents that high school was not the time to be hands off with their scholars.” said Khalilah Harris, deputy Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. “It was critical for us to use tools like advisory and restorative circles to ensure every student felt safe and had at least one, if not more, adult who knew them well enough to notice and intervene when something was wrong and to celebrate when something was really right.”
Peacemakers Teen Violence Prevention October 17, 2015 1501 Cherry St. Friends Center
Teens need our support, check out teen workshops, events and resources at our libraries!!
OUR MISSION: We want to increase teens’ access to all of the incredible arts and culture Philadelphia has to offer, as a means to discovering their own identities and including culture in their menu of leisure-time options (as we like to say: “a movie, a mall, a museum!”). We want to change teens’ perception of museums as places they’re not welcome, or somewhere you only go if you’re told you have to, like on a field trip.
How does that work? Well, there are three main elements of STAMP…
The STAMP PassThe STAMP pass is open to any Philadelphia high school student, and is valid for one year of FREE admission to a selection of the city’s top museums and attractions. Pass holders also get access to special events throughout the year. Find out more about the museums on the pass in the Use the Pass section, then click Get the Pass to get your STAMP pass today!
The STAMP Teen CouncilEvery step of the way with STAMP, we have our
Teen Council to guide us. Members keep up with the latest news at STAMP museums on our website,
Instagram, and
YouTube pages, and also regularly give us their input on how to make arts and culture more appealing to teens, spreading the word about STAMP, and more. Learn more about our Teen Council
here—and if you’re interested in joining, be on the lookout for when applications for the 2014-2015 school year open in May 2014!
“Students cannot learn or develop or demonstrate how brilliant they are if they are not in school on time every day,” said David Johns, executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans. “It is essential that all caring and concerned adults help ensure our students show up, feel safe and are engaged in the spaces they need to move through daily.”
"Education starts at home, Exposure is Key"